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Finally having made it to the EDM big leagues, Kate is about to make her debut at Tomorrowland. When a chance encounter exposes her to the Tail Virus, however, things get very complicated.

Athena's been struggling to control herself ever since she got the Tail Virus. The way she meets Kate is an ultimate, embarrassing low point for both of them.

In the climb up from that low point, Kate and Athena build something beautiful together. But their fame puts their budding relationship, and the way the Tail Virus is changing Kate's anatomy, firmly in the public's view.

Can Kate and Athena's celebrity romance survive the pressures of stardom? Will Kate be known as the biggest rising star in electronic music or the girl who grew a horsecock at Tomorrowland? Read this thrilling slice-of-a-very-erotic-life novel to find out.

This is a 40k word novel that I wrote in the first ten days of January as a Christmas gift for Tiliquain and Journeymanic based on the image that's hidden in the book after a really sexy scene. I finally got through the final edits last week and I think y'all are gonna love this book!

Cover image by Tiliqauin.

Cover design by me.



Arkona Kothe

Brilliant novel! As someone who frequently deals with self control and self loathing issues, the way you conveyed that through the story was amazing. Great job!


I'm so glad I hit the right notes. Tili, and a couple of my close friends, struggle a lot with impulse control and I wanted to explore that in a story.


Awesome novel! So hard for me to choose a favorite part, I liked all of them XD And I'm really digging the eBook format, I find it to be super convenient to pick up and read when I have a moment to do so.


I'm super lucky I have a good program for making eBooks. It's a bit of effort to crank out multiple different versions of my stories, but the payoff is just so good.