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(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (------) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)

Part 5 is started and I'll be writing a lot of it today!

Bianca tries to interview Violet and Crystal, but both girls are curious about Bianca's changes and things get out of hand. And when Linnette gets involved, things get downright hedonistic.

The Tails of Graduation - Part 4

by Zmeydros

(edited by Tiliquain and Journeymanic)

The lab islands that filled the room were topped with thick black slabs. So were the counters along the sides of the room, where cabinets lined the walls above stainless steel sinks. There wasn't a lot of light from the skylight, but it was better lighting than I would have gotten otherwise. The sterile scent made me want to stay close to Crystal and Violet. The dimension of scent gained innumerable layers of nuance as they strolled into the room idly chatting about an internet meme I hadn't come across yet. Crystal was wearing a subtle strawberry-based perfume and Violet had eaten a gingersnap recently. I'd never really thought about it, but Crystal had a slight woody smell to her and Violet smelled like chamomile. All these scents complemented each other nicely. 

"You doin' alright there, champ?" Crystal set my backpack on the floor near where I'd set my camera bag.

Shaking myself out of my olfactory reverie, I said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Violet leaned toward me invading my personal space enough that I leaned back. "Have your nostrils always been that big?"

Putting my hand over my nose, I said, "Probably, they aren't small." I bit my lip worrying about further changes. My face was a good face, why couldn't I keep it?

Seeing my discomfort, Violet stepped back and switched subjects, "Did you guys hear? They found a dragon mosaic last Thursday who had DNA from twenty-one different species."

I set a couple stools in front of the counter under the cabinets and made a frame with my fingers to figure out my shot. "Is that normal?"

"Dragon mosaics are usually a combination of several species, but twenty-one is four more than the previous record. Non-dragon mosaics usually only have DNA from a few species. It's part of the reason the CDC thinks that the dragon strains are the most advanced." Violet sat on the right stool I'd set in front of the counter.

Now I was picking up on some sort of floral scent from both of them which was causing my blood to run southward.

"What does 'mosaic' even mean?" Crystal asked.

Swinging her legs, Violet said, "It comes from the term 'genetic mosaic' which was originally used for people who have two or more genotypes that develop from a single fertilized egg. It started being applied to victims of the Tail Virus in the early eighties."

As I set up the tripod, I asked, "Okay, so I have a question, how is it that a donkey mosaic, for instance, can infect someone and they turn into something other than a donkey?"

"One thing that makes curing the tail virus nearly impossible is that it's rare for people to be infected with only one strain. Multiple strains tend to travel together to maximize the likelihood someone will get infected by at least one of them. And then, once the person is infected, their increased sex drive and attraction to the pheromones from other people with the tail virus ensures they will be carriers for multiple strains during the window in which they're able to infect others." Violet was trying not to smile because she was used to her scientific fascination with things being misinterpreted. Biology was her first love.

After sitting on the other free stool, Crystal asked, "Are the hermaphrodite-causing strains different in some way?"

Remembering how she flirted with the herm orca mosaic, and realizing she'd probably want to play with my prick if she saw it, made me want to reach into my jeans and tease my sheath. Instead, I busied myself getting the camera set up on the tripod.

Violet couldn't contain her smile anymore and it became too large for her face. It would have looked creepy if it wasn't so adorable. "The current theory is that they're more advanced because they have a much better chance of infecting others. In fact, during the last decade, they've been surpassing all the other strains in new infections."

"Companies that make strap-ons are gonna go out of business at this rate," Crystal chuckled.

Violet giggled while hiding her mouth. I used to think I couldn't bring up sexual stuff around her, but after years of being her friend, I knew that her blushing and hiding behind her hands was a sign she was really enjoying herself.

Crystal continued, "If they go out of business, who cares? It's way better when you can actually feel someone's pussy around your dick. Don't you think so, Bianca?"

"Wh-why are you asking me?" My whole body shivered as if someone had just ripped all my clothes off and exposed me to the room. I was setting up the fill lights.

Putting her hands on her thighs and pretending to stretch, Crystal squeezed her breasts together making the cleavage in her cutaway look even more gorgeous. "Oh, I don't know, I thought you might have a solid opinion on it."

The way she paused on the word "solid" made my sheath tingle. "You're forgetting that I've only had my cock for one day." I plugged in the shotgun mic.

The erotic awkwardness was broken by Violet looking at me with big hopeful eyes and saying, "Can we see your tail now?"

"Sure." I turned away from them and undid my belt while biting my lip. Holding the front of my pants with one hand so they didn't fall, I fished my tail out with the other. I almost moaned at the smoothness of my scales and the heat of my hand as it permeated them. My mind went back to yesterday, when I'd stuffed my tail inside myself for the first time.

They hopped off their stools and stared at it for a moment. Just when I was wondering if they were in shock or something, Violet said, "That's the scale pattern of a red-sided garter snake! It's gorgeous! C-can we touch it?"

Letting go, I said, "Just be gentle, the scales are really sensitive. They're still very new."

I had to bite my tongue to stop from gasping and fidgeting as Violet ran her small hands over my tail. She seemed rather fascinated by the bright blue belly scales on the underside and she was tickling them with the tips of her fingers. "Oh my God! This is so cool...It really is like a giant garter snake."

"Glad you like it." I curled the end around her ring finger.

"You can grab things with it!" She squealed in delight.

It was odd, but her joy over my tail was making me like it all the more. "I'm gonna get pants with tail holes once I know its ultimate size."

"If you practice using it every day, you'll get great dexterity with it. There's a dragon morph who paints with her tail." Violet let go and stepped to the side so Crystal could touch it.

"Oh, She'll be practicing with it every day," Crystal made the word "practicing" sound incredibly lewd. 

At first, she was just feeling the texture and I managed not to make any noises or get any wetter than I already was. But then she started rubbing her hands along it with the perfect amount of pressure and I arched my back. "GAH!" My heart started thudding in my chest.

"Hey, don't squeeze so hard! She said she was tender," Violet scolded.

Leaning up to my ear, Crystal said, "Careful, you don't wanna spring another boner in front of Violet, do you?"

How she knew teasing me like that would work, I had no idea. The head of my prick pressed out of its sheath as I widened my stance. Crystal's scent had deepened and it was nearly impossible to calm myself down. When my prick just started to tent my pants, I pulled my tail out of Crystal's hands and said, "We better get started on the interview." Crystal loved to talk about how horny she got boys and I'd always suspected she got off on knowing she had that power over them. Apparently, it wasn't just boys she liked to tease.

Pretending to look for something in my backpack, I gave my prick some time to go back into hiding. After that, I turned around and asked them about their dreams for college and a career. Violet got into a couple monologues about biology and neurology. I had no doubt she'd be getting into med school and achieve her dream of becoming a neurologist. Crystal's plans were less clear. She seemed more driven by the money a lawyer could make than actually liking anything associated with the job. With how much chemistry she'd learned for playing pranks on people and otherwise terrorizing her neighborhood, I was hoping she'd go for something in chemistry or physics instead. But she still had growing up to do and I had faith she'd learn more about herself in college.

Speaking of Crystal, no one I'd ever met was more dangerous than her when bored. As I was setting up for the last part of the interview, Crystal asked, "So, what's it feel like having a cock?"

Violet looked at me and Crystal like she was losing her mind from being caught so off guard.

The lack of any lead up got me to stop everything I was doing. "What?"

Indicating my crotch with an open hand, crystal said, "Do you expect me to just ignore that tent in your jeans?"

As Violet's eyes fixed on the crotch of my jeans, they widened until I was wondering if they were going to fall right out of her head.

I hadn't noticed it until that moment, but Crystal's scent was strong. She'd been eyeing me on off throughout the interview. It was frustrating that satisfying her curiosity by pulling my cock out was an incredibly attractive thought. Pushing back against it, I said, "It's just what happens sometimes, okay? I don't have control of it yet."

Crystal laughed. "So, your prick is going through puberty?"

"Grown men sometimes get unexplained erections too," I pouted.

"Oh, I think there's an explanation, you're into girls now." Crystal gave me a confident smile.

"N-no, I'm not," I failed to sound half as confident as Crystal had.

Crystal rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you said you might be bisexual last year at your parent's cabin."

If Crystal knew for sure that I was into her, I was afraid of what she'd do, so I said, "Operative word here is, 'might.'"

Violet nodded. "That's fair. Erections can be random. Especially when a person doesn't have much experience with them."

Narrowing her eyes at me, Crystal said, "Okay, if you're not into women, then this won't excite you." Grabbing her blouse and bra, she pulled them up.

There, bared for Violet and I to see, were Crystal's big perfect breasts. I groaned as my erection took up all the available space in my dad's jeans. Violet was bashfully looking at Crystal's rack until she noticed that the bulge in my pants had intensified. Then she couldn't look away and a hand flew up in front of her mouth while a blush raged on her cheeks. I fidgeted at the discomfort from the head of my dick being mashed up against unyielding cloth.

Pulling her blouse and bra back down, Crystal smiled triumphantly. Then she went over to the classroom door and closed it. On her way back, she said, "You better get that out of your pants before you sprain something."

I wanted to protest, but I was in far too much pain. Gulping, I unbuckled my belt.

Violet tried to turn away, but Crystal grabbed her chin and turned her back toward me saying, "You're practically rubbing yourself on your seat, I know you want to see this as much as I do. What's a little nudity between girls?"

If I didn't show them, they'd be staring at me like a scientific subject for the rest of our friendship. It was more distracting when their curiosity was hungry, and I really liked the way Linnette admired my body and wanted to feel that again. So, I dropped my pants and boxers and exposed my equine-like length to them.

"Oh, wow, good for you! Literally hung like a horse!" Crystal cheered.

I laughed. There was a reason I was so close to Crystal and Violet: they made me feel so damn good about myself. I was starting to wonder if all the compliments they'd given me about my looks over the years were because they were genuinely attracted to me. In fact, our friendship had started in freshman year when Crystal complimented me on the pinstriped mobster suit I wore to the Halloween dance.

Violet pressed her crotch hard against the stool as she gave my cock this wordless stare that was even more appreciative than what Crystal had said aloud. I'd never seen Violet blush that hard. Eventually, she blurted out, "What does it feel like?"

To my surprise, it wasn't all that awkward having my cock out, it was more like a deranged version of show and tell. "It's kind of its own thing, but imagine if your clit was was really big and you could wrap your hand around it."

"That would feel ah-mazing," Crystal said.

Violet nodded. "What about the little nubs on the head? Are they more sensitive than the rest?"

"I'm actually not sure." I reached down and touched one of them only to gasp and have my whole cock twitch. Then I touched another place on the head and gasped again. "I think it's close, but they are slightly more sensitive."

"What about the medial ring and..." Violet hopped off her chair and got closer. "Is that a knot?"

"Yep! They're both about as sensitive as the head," I said as pre beaded at the tip.

Catching the pre on my finger, I licked it off. Violet moaned as she watched me and I blushed realizing what I'd just done out of habit. A habit I'd somehow formed in one day.

As Crystal hopped off her stool, she asked, "Can we touch it?"

"Why? I thought this was going to be show and tell, not show and grope." I blushed.

"Look, this might be my only chance of touching a real live horse cock." Crystal chuckled.

I really wanted to tell Crystal that my prick was somehow not animal equipment, but looking at it I decided I had no case. Much of my prick was just like a stallion's, but that didn't make it a good idea. "I don't know, I don't want to risk infecting you two." I backed away.

"We can wash our hands afterwards, it's not like we're giving you a blowjob or anything." Crystal shrugged.

"Alright, but no stroking. I'm not gonna be that girl that accidentally transforms her friends by taking stupid risks."

Violet had crashed, she was looking on with her legs idly rubbing together. Her posture was otherwise closed, like she was trying very hard to keep her hands to herself.

Crystal was surprisingly cautious about touching my penis. Her hand barely rested on it at first, then she was feeling along the shaft. I gasped when she cupped my knot. "This feels a bit soft."

"I-it gets harder when I cum," I explained while distracted by Violet's scent. Crystal was aroused, but Violet was having a meltdown. At this rate, I was going to have to run off to the bathroom so I could unload.

"Neat!" Getting on her knees so she was eye level, Crystal inspected the head. "You're so thick."

"I know. Just don't touch the pre." I gulped trying not to let her curious fingers arouse me more and was relieved when she stopped. My balls were aching now.

"Hey, Violet, you okay?" Crystal put a hand on Violet's shoulder.

She shuddered and gasped. Her gasp made my pussy wink because it was exactly the same as the sound I made when my vibrator hit the right spot.

"Whoa, hey, what's wrong with you?" Crystal asked.

"My stomach hurts and I'm hot all over." Violet was a bit pale from shock.

Crystal said, "You've got the female version of blue balls."

"What?" Violet asked.

Bringing her hands together and then pantomiming an explosion, Crystal continued, "It happens to women too, blood rushes to the vaginal walls and other stuff and it hurts if you get close but don't get off."

"How do you even know that?" I asked.

"Had a boyfriend that never quite got me there. Had to look it up." Reaching down and hefting my lime-sized balls, Crystal cooed, "Oof, I bet you cum like a horse too."

Grunting with delight, I let her touch my balls however she wished. The warmth of her hand, feeling the way my scales brushed against her palm as they stretched and flexed, every bit of it was wonderful.

Putting Violet's hand on my prick, Crystal said, "Come on, don't be shy."

Violet moaned as she examined the texture and firmness of every inch of my prick. I think she was making a mental map of it and she was also squirming the whole time, half because she was caught between running away from this lewd thing she shouldn't be doing and half because her pussy needed attention. I knew because her tangy chamomile scent was overpowering.

Standing up, Crystal said, "Do you want help getting off?"

"Will I feel better if I do?" Violet looked behind her.

"Yep, here, spread your legs." Crystal said.

"Y-you're going to do it right here, like now?" Violet spread her legs a bit blushing crimson.

Crystal put her right leg between Violet's. "It's hotter this way, isn't it? Just pretend Bianca's using her stallion prick on you."

Violet moaned, "Oh! Don't say such dirty things!"

"You want to be bred by a big horse prick. Tell me it's not true and I'll stop saying it." Crystal applied pressure to Violet's crotch.

As Violet cried out in ecstasy, she clutched my cock. I grunted and thrust into her hands needing stimulation to go along with the moans I was hearing. We went like this for a good few minutes and I managed to hang on to my orgasm because Violet's touches were too spastic to get me there.

Suddenly, Violet took her hands away and said, "Show me your pussy! I-I need to see it!"

That was when I found out that there was a threshold beyond which Violet was unable to contain her dirty thoughts. Given how much I'd enjoyed their adoration up to this point and figuring that it was safer if my cum cannon wasn't pointed at them, I turned my back end toward Violet, lifted my tail, and spread myself. 

"Yes! YES! AAAAHHH! YES!" Violet screamed as she came simply from seeing my scaly mound.

Closing my eyes, I savored her orgasmic yells. All I had to do was hold it together and enjoy this moment and then run off to the bathroom. It was so wonderful to have my friends find me this hot! This was such an awesome feeli--two hands grasped my ass and a face mashed itself against my pussy.

"Oh fuck no!" Crystal cried.

I was so wet and my clit was so hard that I nearly lost my balance and, while I was trying not to fall, Violet ate me out with enough enthusiasm that her level of experience didn't matter one bit. I came drenching her face. My body had been like a fully charged bank of capacitors and Violet had just activated the flash. I screeched as I instinctively mashed my scaly muff against her face and drenched her with my feminine nectar.

Then her face was gone just as fast. When I looked back to see what was happening, Violet was grabbing Crystal.

As Crystal said, "Hey! Wait! What are you--," Violet unleashed a passionate inferno. She felt up Crystal's cleavage, straddled one of her legs so she could rub herself on it, and kissed Crystal with her face still dripping with my wetness. It was so sudden, so intense, that Crystal went from trying to push Violet away, to holding her tight. Years of pent of desire were being released all at once. There'd always been chemistry between them, but I hadn't guessed it was this kind of chemistry. 

Grasping my dick with both hands, I started stroking. I'd never seen lesbian porn and I'd been missing out. Violet's hands reached under Crystal's blouse as Crystal reached into Violet's jeans. I resisted the urge to record their beautiful moaning bodies as I used my pre to better lubricate my masturbation.

Fuck, I loved feeling my balls swing! I loved how my equine head was so sensitive. I loved how powerfully my shaft throbbed. Fuck, I wanted to shove every inch into someone! 

They both smelled so powerfully of sex that I could barely contain myself. I imagined us in a lesbian threesome with me stuffing my shaft into Crystal's writhing body as she licked out Violet's snatch and I muffled Violet's moans with deep kisses…But it was an awful, terrible, thought. I'd given both my friends the Tail Virus! I'd done the one thing I set out not to do! I'd let them talk me into a situation where I put them at risk and now they were going to suffer. This was unforgivable! 

Letting go of my penis, I said, "I'm such a terrible person! I-I'm so sorry!"

It was like the final sex scene in a romantic comedy. They were having their perfect moment, a moment so deeply necessary that the rest of the world was forgotten. They couldn't process the full implications of what was happening. Unable to watch, I put my dad's boxers and pants on. I ran out of the room with tears smearing my vision.

Feeling utterly powerless and with no idea where I was going, I dashed down the hallway. I was just fleeing, trying to outrun the consequences of my actions. When I tried to hide in an empty classroom, I caught sight of my reflection in the pane of glass in the door and didn't recognize it. "No!" I cried as I covered my face. Why was this happening to me? I liked my face and now it looked like I was turning into a Star Trek alien. Red scales had come in where my nose had been and my nostrils were now bigger and farther apart. It was too much, too much at once. Stumbling out of the classroom, I started running again.

Though my mind had no idea what I was doing, my feet did and I was soon stopped outside Linnette's door. It was the stupid habit of a little kid, but she was my safe space and I had no idea where else to go.

Finding the door locked, I knocked. "Hello?"

"Sorry, I'm--urgh!--busy!" She said from inside.

"Please let me in. I need...I screwed up. And my face changed, and I don't know what to do," I managed to say without sobbing.


"Yeah, it's me," I replied.

"One sec." 

A half minute later, she opened the door and stared wide-eyed at my face. Her cock was lifting up half her skirt and her hair was a shambles. Her salmon vanilla scent got me throbbing despite the emotional upheaval within me. Just how long had she been going at it in her office?

"Sorry for interrupting you," I said.

She took me into her arms. "Your poor face."

We both moaned as our cocks brushed against each other through the fabric confining them. She let me go, but I didn't let go because I was too busy depositing tears on her shoulder. She put her arms back around me and held me tight. It was the most awkward cry I'd ever had. I could feel her throbbing against my prick, balls, and leg. It wasn't long before the sheer size of her erection was distracting me from my sadness and I became immensely confused. The scent in the air made me want to lift her skirt and lose my cock's virginity. While what had happened to my face and my friends had me wanting to hide in a corner and cry my eyes out. 

Linnette asked, "What's wrong?"

"I--" I sniffled. "I've ruined Crystal and Violet's lives."

"Oh dear, you gave them the virus didn't you?" She gave me a squeeze. "I know all too well what that feels like."

"I'm such a fuck up!" I complained.

She stroked my back. "You didn't do it on purpose. The Tail Virus is very good at what it does."

"But I should have stopped them. I knew it was risky," I said.

"Oh? What do you mean?" she asked.

As I told her what happened, her erection thundered. She gasped, groaned, and shoved her prick between my thighs when I talked about Violet getting off. "Sorry, it's just--I forgot my toy at home and haven't been able to get my pussy off all day. My whole body is aching."

She was still holding me and trying to comfort me, but she couldn't keep her movements from turning sensual. The way she was applying pressure to me, the way her fingers dug into my shoulders as if she was wanting to move her hands somewhere else but was keeping them there through sheer force of will both drove me crazy. And then there was her scent. A metallic melony undertone that was very close to what I smelled when my pussy was dying to be used. 

With my ears were burning and my shaft feeling like a steel beam, I asked, "Wow, why didn't you go home?"

"You think I walk to my car, let alone drive, with this thing at full mast?" She made her length twitch to emphasize her point.

I groaned as her prick lifted my balls.

She sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the conversation. How did they end up infected?"

"Violet was looking at my pussy and then she--" I moaned. "She, uhh, God, why is this making me so hot?"

Linnette slipped a hand between us and tilted her hips forward as she reached behind her balls. "Unf! Did she lick you out?"

"Haaah! Yeah...she just put her face in there and…" My pussy winked making me screech and arch my back. "Then she just jumped on Crystal and they went at it like," I searched for a better word, but couldn't find one, "animals."

"This shouldn't be turning me on, but I can't--" Linnette let go of me and stumbled to her desk while her fingers made squelching sounds as they dug into her soaking pussy. "I-I need--" Her nose started to flatten while her eyes stayed fixed on the tent in my pants.

Something inside me broke. Seeing her standing there with her massive cock pulling up her skirt while she openly jilled herself obliterated everything else on my mind. No worries, no second thoughts, and no questions. Only action. I undid my belt and let my jeans and boxers fall to the floor.

"Yes!" She pulled her skirt up over her head so she didn't have to try and get it down past her prick. Her entire lower half was covered by gem-like red scales and, as she pulled off her blouse and bra, she revealed that her mauve belly scales now went up past her tits. Turning around, she spread her large, puffy, big-clitted cunt for me. "Please!"

"Hnnnggg!" my flare expanded as my whole shaft surged and my knees got weak. Instinct was so loud in my mind that I could barely function. I dashed up to her and grabbed my cock in one hand while taking hold of her tail with the other. Then I got the broad head of my prick pressed up against her entrance and bucked. We both hissed at the intense sensations of penetration. Her sweltering inner walls were unlike anything that had ever touched my dick and it felt like I was melting inside her.

As I was reeling from the bliss, she pushed herself backwards impaling herself all the way to my medial ring while moaning and whimpering like a bitch in heat. As I gasped in delight, I clutched her backside to stop her from going further. I didn't know if I could take any more.

When I thought I was no longer in danger of cumming on the spot, I moved my hands to her tail. Roaring loud enough to make me jump, she shoved backwards taking me to the hilt. As my knot popped inside her, our balls smacked against each other and we came. As we roared in orgasm, our muzzles pressed out from our faces, hers going a lot further than mine. Somehow filling her with my jizz felt even better than knotting her. It was because my prick was getting longer and thicker, reaching farther into her and stretching her wider with each pulse.

When I thought it was all over, that I could finally relax into afterglow, she started gasping and grunting. Her balls started moving against mine, hanging lower as she wiggled her hips and used my knot to work her pussy. I'd taken the place of her toy and she wasn't done playing. I don't know how or why, but instead of getting softer like I did after all my previous orgasms, I started getting hard again. Groaning and squirming behind her, I noticed her balls smacking my thighs. They had to be as big as oranges now...My eyes widened as I realized that it could mean her shaft was growing too! Just how big was she going to get?

How big was I going to get? She felt tighter than before. Had I always been looking down at her from this angle? Wait, had her torso always been that wide? 

Before I could worry about any of that, the door opened and Crystal's preplanned scolding echoed throughout the room, "You coward! How could you just leave us--holy shit! Violet, come here!"

I looked behind me to see Violet peer through the doorway. Her eyes went from narrowed with concern to wide in shock. Her hand dipped into her jeans as she stared at my bare back end. Her ears looked pointier.

Blushing and wanting to remove myself from this awkward situation, I tried to pull out of Linnette only to yelp and nearly lose my balance. My knot was snug as ever.

Crystal laughed. "Are you knotted to her? Like a dog?"

I nodded.

"Just give us fifteen to twenty minutes and Bianca will be all yours," Linnette said with enough professionalism that she sounded like a receptionist outside a CEO's office.

"Nope, I'm already changing and it's her fault. She's gotta make it up to me." Crystal pulled Violet into the room and closed the door before dropping her skirt and panties on the floor. Her clit was a couple inches long and pulsing madly above a muff that had what looked like alligator belly scales covering it.

Violet pulled off her blouse looking so bouncy and excited that I wondered if she'd even been listening to the conversation. "Bianca! Look! Isn't it cool?" She hadn't bothered to put her bra back on and under her small breasts were two more sets of nipples.

Crystal scoffed. "Are they worth me losing my boyfriend? I blame you as much as her."

Violet's smile vanished. "I can keep saying I'm sorry, but I don't know if it's doing any good."

"You have a new boyfriend every week, you'll get over it," Linnette said.

Crystal stomped her foot and pointed at Linnette accusingly. "How can you say that?"

"It's the truth," Linnette shrugged. 

I chuckled.

"Urgh! Why do you always pick on me?" Crystal asked.

"Because you can be a bit of a bully." Linnette kept talking ignoring Crystal's attempt to protest Linnette's assertion. "That said, I feel deeply empathetic about you getting the Tail Virus and I'm sorry you got infected with it, but that doesn't excuse you barging into my office without knocking first. Think about how embarrassed you would feel if this happened to you. "

Violet put her top on saying, "Come on, Crystal, get dressed so we can leave. You shouldn't have barged in on them."

Crystal groaned as her clit thickened. "Okay, but before I leave, Bianca has to tell me that she doesn't want to try out the new prick I'm growing."

My pussy winked. "God damn it!"

"Ha! See?" Crystal pointed at my snatch. "She's lifting her tail just from a bit of dirty talk. Tell me, Bianca, tell me you don't want to feel my cock grow while I fuck your mare cunt."

"W-why are you doing this?" My body got hot all over as I felt extremely embarrassed and horny at the same time.

"Payback. I think the Tail Virus turned you into a slut and I'm gonna prove it." She put a hand behind her ear. "You haven't told me to go away yet, all you have to do is tell me that I'm wrong." She grunted as her clit continued to grow.

Seeing her cock come in before my eyes was putting me in a similar state to Linnette.

Linnette's snatch kept clenching. She clearly wasn't done with me and this situation was making her want me more, not less. We had the same kink, it seemed. Violet had to keep pulling her hand away from her crotch. She was trying to be good and let me decide what I wanted to do, but she smelled like she was desperate for more female sexy times.

My nipples were swollen with arousal and my clit was hammering between my legs. In this moment, I was no better than Linnette had been when I found her in her office. That didn't mean I had to give in, it meant I had to resist. Crystal was offering me exactly what I wanted, but if proved her right, I'd never hear the end of it, so I said, "I want to feel your cock." My eyes widened. "I mean, I don't want to feel your cock!" I tried to put my tail down to block my sex, but it refused to go all the way down. I couldn't decide whether it was sexy or disturbing that my instincts were stronger than my will. Probably both.

"Too late, you already said exactly what I thought you'd say." Crystal walked up to me and lifted my tail. "Besides, you gave me this thing, so I deserve to get to use it on you."

Linnette said, "Do you want me to claw her?"

As I tried to reply, Crystal jabbed her three-inch-long one-inch-thick phallus inside me and I cried out, "Yes!"

"Okay!" Linnette started moving her right foot.

Crystal started to pull out.

"No! Please don't pull out!" I begged. Crystal was small, but she was hard as a rock and her scales felt fantastic against my clit. They were a bit rough with clear divisions between them, and that friction felt marvelous!

Linnette moaned as I started bucking into her as a side-effect of me trying to press back against Crystal's thrusts.

Crystal said, "AH! Fuck this feels good!" as her shaft got a growth spurt.

At first, Violet was holding the palm of one hand against the crotch of her jeans while the other covered her mouth, but then she spotted Linnette's length hanging down a bit past her knees and dropped the hand that was in front of her mouth into her jeans. Her jeans were not on very well due to her tail and as she tried to slip her other hand in her pants to help the first, they fell down her thighs. When she moaned sharply, she realized what she was doing and pulled her hands away. I could see the determination on her face, the will not to lose herself to her libido, but her eyes never moved from Linnette's shaft. She even walked up to Linnette for a closer look.

Kneeling at Linnette's side to take in the wonder that was Linnette's dragon member Violet said, "You're humongous! How did you get so big?"

"Unf! Yeah, I got lucky, I guess?" Linnette said between moans.

"You're disproportionate enough that I think you're going to get a lot taller to match. I think you might be a couple inches taller already." Violet's face was less than a foot from Linnette's package. 

"Y-oooh! think so?" Linnette clenched around me as I tugged at my knot over and over trusting back to get Crystal as deep as possible.

"Yep!" She leaned in and sniffed Linnette's shaft before moaning.

Linnette grunted. "Having fun down there?"

Violet tore off her top so she could run her hands over her six breasts. "Ngh! Can I touch you?"

"Yes! Go for it!" Linnette said sounding a bit annoyed. Every time she spoke, she had to fight her beautiful gasps and moans.

Within a minute, Violet seemed every bit as crazed as before groping and hefting Linnette's scaly balls while lapping at the soft barbs on her girthy shaft. Violet was probably so pent up, that in combination with the libido boost from the Tail Virus, it would take months for her to burn off all her lesbian energy. 

Her jeans were soon stripped off so she could get at her snatch. Even with the loud smacking sounds of the breeding Crystal was giving me and all our moans, I could hear Violet abusing her dripping snatch with her digits.

Linnette's moans became bellows of ecstasy that shook her entire body. Her passage was moving around my prick so much that I was out of breath. Crystal was pummeling me as she passed four inches on her way to five. I had no idea what aligator cocks looked like, but if that's the type of dick she had, I could feel that they had an oblong head that was wider than the arched shaft. The longer it got, the more energetic she became. Her breasts were flailed on her chest as she screamed out so loud her voice broke. It sounded like she was yelling while performing some sort of martial art.

I had almost no experience with sex, but her thighs spanking my backside every time she hilted herself in me had to be one of my favorite things. She now had to be more than a half foot long and thick enough that I was actually feeling the stretch. But then my cooch started getting roomier. Linnette and I were higher off the ground and my tail was lengthening so much that I could reach all the way down my leg.

Then when my tail was long enough, Violet grabbed it and shoved in her snatch. We both gasped. She felt tight, even around the tapered tip, but she knew her body better than I did and pushed my tail deeper.

Crystal was struggling to keep the same pace because of the swelling below her dick that I knew was her new ball sac. Her thrusts were being broken up by her having to stop and gasp in pleasure and when her testes finally pressed out into their home, she had a dry orgasm. Slamming into me over and over as if she wast trying to convince her prick to finally deliver it's load, she yelled, "Cum you goddamned useless balls!"

There was no way I could hold back, Crystal's scales were battering my clit and barbs like Linnette's were pushing out the sides of my prick, I roared and filled Linnette even fuller. The heavy pulsing of my cock must have caused my pussy to twitch in just the right way because Crystal let out a frustrated scream and slammed in all the way. And this time she came spurting so hard that the individual shots of cum were stirring up my depths. My pussy tugged at her oddly-shaped shaft and the two orgasms resonated inside me making me writhe in bliss.

Lost to her first male orgasm, Crystal yelped and hollered a stream of obscenities. To anyone that didn't know what was going on, it sounded like she was in an epic bar brawl. I adored every moan, screech, growl, and yelp.

Linnette was the next to burst. She huffed and then growled and then roared as her dick delivered a deluge of spunk to Violet's waiting mouth. There was far too much for Violet to swallow and it just poured out the corners of her lips. Meanwhile, Linnette's snatch pulled at my barbs drawing series breathless squeaks out of me.

Violet let out similar squeaks as a canine tail burst forth from her backside and her ears became pointed and covered with fur. The pleasure from the transformation put her over the edge and her pussy started milking my tail for all it was worth. Linnette's impressive cumsplosion made sure that Violet looked like a complete mess as she undulated on the floor.

All those pleasured sounds from people I cared about were making my dual orgasms all the more satisfying and, for the first time, I thought, maybe having scales, a tail, and a cock wasn't so bad after all. Maybe the inconvenience was worth all the pleasure.

When we came down from our ecstasy-laden chaos, Violet's husky tail was wagging, Crystal's firm tits were pressed up against my back while her cock was still twitching inside me, and Linnette was panting and groaning as if she'd just swam across the entire English channel. I was somewhere near sleep, feeling like a lump of seafoam drifting through the air.

A few minutes later, Crystal said, "Thanks for the cock," and reached around to fondle my breasts.

I turned to look back at Crystal and raised an eyebrow. My eyes didn't stay on her long, though, because I saw that the door was cracked. I could have sworn she closed it soon after she came into the room. Deciding I was just misremembering things, I returned my attention to her saying, "I thought you were mad at me?"

Pressing her cheek against the scales that had traveled up my spine while I'd been preoccupied with sex, Crystal said, "Hard to be mad after you let me fuck you like that. It was unbelievable."

"Uhh, you can't be letting me off the hook this easy," I said.

She squeezed my breasts a bit too hard. "True, we won't be even until I've fucked you like ten more times. And you're going to have to be on call. Like, if I'm horny between classes, you'll follow me into the girl's locker room and raise your tail, no questions, nothing. You are my cum dump until graduation."

My pussy clenched in excitement. "And if I refuse?"

Massaging my tits as if she was apologizing to them for her rough treatment, she said, "Look, I can't afford to spring a boner at home or my parents will drag me to church so the congregation can pray the cock away."

"That would be so embarrassing!" I grimaced. Talking about her parents, it was entirely possible.

"Yes, and I don't need that in my life. So, all of you are gonna keep me satisfied, kapish?" She lifted her head so she could look each of us in the eye.

Violet nodded lazily, Linnette gave her a thumbs up, and I groaned before saying, "Okay, fine."

Linnette spoke up, "Bianca dear, I've never seen you happier. Face it, we're sluts. Let's stop trying to pretend we're not. It's exhausting."

Crystal laughed so hard she vibrated her prick.

Violet was staring off into the distance with a content smile on her cum-covered face. 

I sighed. "So, this is my life now? Fucking my friends as part of my school day?"

With a nod, Linnette said, "We're all in the same boat...and I call dibs on your cock's first orgasm tomorrow morning."

"What?!" Crystal and I balked. 

"I want to make sure my pussy isn't losing it's mind come this time tomorrow. Instead of trying to weather my body's new needs, I'm gonna plan for them, and I suggest y'all of you do the same," she said. "I've gone from worried that I would end up having sex with a student to worried I'll be too horny to drive home unless I have sex with a student in under forty-eight hours."

My brain did a backflip as I realized all my closest friends were now friends with benefits. There was no going back for any of us. Turning to Crystal, I said, "You know what? She's right."

Crystal sucked her teeth. "Nah, I'm not a slut like you guys."

"Oh please, you're the one who started this whole discussion," Linnette chided.

"Crystal, wanna sleep over at my house tonight?" Violet asked in a distant, but happy, voice.

"Wait, you want more?" Crystal leaned to the side to look under Linnette where Violet was still sitting.

"Yeah! Can I be your girlfriend?" Cum dripped from her chin as she leaned to the side so she could better meet Crystal's eyes.

Crystal throbbed inside me. "That's not how it works. You're supposed to ask me out on a date."

Violet furrowed her brow. "I just did, you and me sleeping over at my place tonight."

"You know I have a boyfriend, right?" Crystal asked.

Violet said, "That's okay, I can share."


I’d like to acknowledge my first $20 patron, Navajo Demar, for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (------) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part9)


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