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Here's a story a friend Pariahlycan wrote about Ezzie. He's a budding furry writer and I am being his editor as payment for his wonderful little stories involving Ezzie. Soon, I'll be putting up another story that we wrote together! This story is short and erotic and has Herm on Male action.

Trav has found himself in a creative rut, with writer's block leaving him stuck on his first line.  Luckily, he has an excellent writing partner to help pound him into shape. Ezzie knows just what details to squeeze in and how to really fill a page.  The pair know actions speak louder than words, and with a deep and intimate exchange of ideas, they're confident in their ability to drive home a powerful climax.

Writing Partners

by Pariahlycan

(Edited by Zmeydros)

“Well, what makes a good story?”

Ezzie looked up from her laptop, glancing across the table at Trav.  The Dragon-Equine hybrid was puzzled by the question, and her fingers left the keys to tap on the table  as she mulled her friend’s words over. The Maned Wolf, meanwhile, was tapping his jaw with a pencil, gazing down at a spiral notebook with several lines scrawled haphazardly across the page, many of which were violently crossed out.  

A long moment of rumination passed before Ezzie spoke up. “I mean, clearly structure and plot are crucial, but even a lackluster story can still hit a good crescendo if it’s paced correctly.”

“That’s my issue,” Trav groaned, resting his chin on a paw as he gazed blearily at his friend.  “I’m not that great at pacing. I get swamped. It feels like I’m just more interested in trying to layer on details than paint the picture  properly.”

“Well, come take a look at this draft,” Ezzie offered, tossing a friendly smile his way.  “I can show you what I mean.”

Setting aside his glasses, the Maned Wolf stretched before getting to his feet.  Padding around the table, he took his stance next to her, leaning over to peer at the screen.

“All right, the first thing is-“

“Hang on a sec, let me get a bit closer.” Without any invitation, Trav picked up one of the hybrid’s arms and guided it out of the way, allowing him to slide into Ezzie’s lap.  Lanky as he was, he was still able to comfortably fit himself between the author and her workspace, wriggling just a little to get everything in order. Replacing her arm around him and leaning his head back, he nodded gently. “Carry on.”

Ezzie’s head was tilted, somewhat caught off guard, but she quickly cleared her throat. 

“Um, well…I think people are often under the impression that the introduction should be just exposition.  At the same time, they get so bogged down trying to make it ‘perfect’ that they don’t even start. This leads to a mixture of stories that start with an essay and stories that never get written.  The biggest thing is, you just need to shut off your inner critic and write.”

Trav nodded softly, eyes fixed on the screen as he leaned forward a little. “Do you prefer starting in media res, or a bit more gradual an introduction, would you say?” As he spoke, he started shifting again, seemingly trying to get comfortable.  In doing so, he managed to press his cheeks directly against her lap and lower belly.  

Ezzie’s lips tightened, and she herself had to squirm a bit, starting to feel some “discomfort”. “You…you can do it either way, but just like with exposition, you need to not take too long to get things rolling.”

“That makes sense,” Trav piped up, flashing her a grin, before starting to read through the story.  With his body slumped forward, Ezzie could easily peer down and catch a peek of the male’s rear resting on her thighs, his tail at the side and curled loosely around her waist.  Just when she was about to speak, the wolf started to move again. With his elbows on the table, he had enough leverage to start slowly rocking himself in his seat, grinding his cheeks against her.  

Her breath caught in her throat, and she tried to catch his eye. This was to no avail, as it seemed he was completely focused on her work.  Flattering as it was, Ezzie wasn’t sure if she should interrupt him and bring certain events into question, as they were starting to have a noticeable effect.  Already the fabric of her jeans was starting to feel the first hints of strain, a growing presence poking at the fine derriere that was decorating her lap. 

Again, as she was about to speak, Trav cut her off. “I’m guessing this part is where you can set the stage for the piece?”

“Yes!” Ezzie piped up, slightly relieved at the distraction.  “You take this time to introduce the players, maybe start having them bounce off each other, see how they-“

Yet again, the wolf cut her off. “My question though…is it too early to make the intentions of your work clear? 

One black paw had left the table, and had taken up post on Ezzie’s knee.  However, as his words drifted away in the air, that paw moved to a far more interesting position.  Specifically, between her legs, resting on the cloth-clad outline of the herm’s package.

Ezzie was speechless, her muzzle hanging open for a few moments as she outright stared at the back of the wolf’s head.  A glance at the screen showed the slightest reflection of his face, and how his eyes were locked on hers with the most “Trav-like” smirk on his face.  She threw a face back at him, glowering but starting to bite her lip. Speaking slowly and deliberately, her reply came out a little unamused, albeit with a hint of a challenge. “Well, there’s…merit to that approach.  But if you’re going to go that route, you’d better…commit to it.”

As she spoke, her paw wrapped around Trav’s waist, paw resting on his belly and pulling him against her front, her heavy breasts now pushing against the back of his shoulders and head.  This shifted more of his weight onto her crotch as opposed to her thighs, and if he wasn’t aware of the growing bulge in her pants, he definitely was now.

Trav’s lips curled into an even wider smile, now starting to openly grind his ass against Ezzie’s growing erection, tilting his head to cast her the slightest little wink.  The paw between her legs continued to stroke and fondle as he spoke up.  

“Of course, you can’t just change style.  You want to maintain that momentum you’ve started.  But that begs the question, when do you actually let the audience start to see your point?” With that, Trav rose off her lap, and before her eyes, the wolf hooked his thumbs into the back of his jeans.  Wriggling his hips back and forth, he slipped the fabric over his plush rump and bared himself. As his jeans hit the floor with a flump, he pressed his fluffy rump against her lap, his bare balls resting atop her clothed ones. He offered his friend a casual, almost lazy lapdance, rocking and grinding against her more openly.  All the while, his lips were twisted in that same infuriating smirk.

Even without the bells and whistles, Ezzie was nearly drooling at the sight, and the waistline of her khakis was screaming as her heavy cock threatened to burst out of the fabric entirely.  With a little gulp, trying to contain herself, she reached forward and pushed the laptop away to safety. Returning her focus to the pleasant irritation in her lap, she held onto the wolf’s hip and uttered a soft little growling sound into his neckfur.  She felt a bit vindicated as her own paws found the contents of his lap fully “inspired” as well. She gave him a firm squeeze, crooning into the wolf’s ear as he shuddered. “Well, sometimes you might find yourself being a bit too subtle…so you need to throw them a bone every so often.”

Even as he shuddered, the maned wolf kept his cool, and went to work on Ezzie’s zipper. “Is that a good idea?” Trav’s tone was obnoxiously even, providing no hint that he had just slipped his paw into Ezzie’s khakis directly and was now fondling her package through her panties.  “Do you ever worry that you can’t give the reader the payoff they want? Maybe get them hyped up for something you can’t deliver on?”

The dragoequine was seeing red by now, her cock throbbing hard enough that a dark spot on her jeans was growing by the second.  Seeking some kind of relief, she lifted the wolf up by his tail to get him out of the way.  

Trav, making sure to not help in the slightest, started shaking his ass, lifting his tail so she was now “eye to eye” with him.  

Grunting, she tried to undo her khakis, but the strain against the fabric was so bad that it actually hindered her progress.  With a frustrated snarl, she tore at her lap with her claws until finally, the front button popped off and clattered across the floor.  No longer supported by the crotch of her pants, her silky panties broke apart. Ezzie gasped in relief as her hulking cock was finally free, throbbing angrily and tip starting to flare.  The length flopped forward, resting against Trav’s back, causing him to gasp in surprise. He had to admit, the tip was a bit closer to his shoulder than he remembered it being.  

Ezzie had no such reservations, and with a dominant little growl, she gripped the canine by his soft thighs, lifting him up onto his tiptoes to line his tail end up with her tip.  The frustrated hybrid was so painfully aroused that her shaft was already slick with pre.

“Never.  You never have to worry, as long as you can lead the story toward…toward…” Her words were hissed from clenched teeth, punctuated by exertion and by poor restraint.  However, after a deep breath and a momentary shudder, Trav heard something that nearly stopped his heart.

“…setting up a massive climax.” With that, Ezzie yanked the wolf down by his hips, and did not stop until the wolf’s ass pressed back into her lap where it belonged.  

Trav arched his back and yelped, the sound quickly turning into a throaty groan, complete with eyes nearly going in different directions.  A shaky glance downward at his belly showed the impossible sight of that flared tip making abstract art out of his gut, but before he could make any kind of noise, she had already pulled him back up and dropped him down.  This continued for a few bone-shattering minutes, the large herm using the smaller canine as a toy. Each time, she hauled him nearly off his feet before dropping him back onto her lap with nearly percussive force. 

It did not take long for the wolf to recover, his grunts of exertion replaced by little chuckles and huffs.  Seizing control, Trav’s feet hit the floor and his paws gripped the table. With a throaty snarl, he slammed his hips down and met her body with a resounding clap.  Now it was both authors’ turns to moan, and when their eyes refocused, they shared a wicked grin. This was not the first time they’d had such an intimate comparison of methods, and with the way Trav rolled his hips around as he clenched down on the head so well, it wouldn’t be the last.

“We definitely need some rising action!” Trav called, before he set his own pace of bouncing his ass off Ezzie’s knots, the wet sounds filling the air and making her chair creak with exertion.

“As well as a conflict to match it!” the hybrid snarled, gripping her seat and thrust upward to meet Trav’s ass, the resulting clap filling both of their eyes with stars.  The smacking of hips and chorus of snarls only picked up as they crashed against each other. The wolf had stretched enough that every so often a particularly well-timed thrust from both got Ezzie’s first knot partly in.  Trav was snarling with pleasure, and Ezzie’s head had fallen back in a long, wordless moan.

Suddenly, Ezzie was nearly either kicked or punched in the face in a flailing of limbs.  When it was over, she found herself looking Trav in the eyes as he beamed down at her, gripping her shoulders as he straddled her waist.

“A twist never hurts!”   With the new angle, Trav was able to start properly bouncing his plush ass off her lap, his knotted cock flopping between them.  

Ezzie was never one to shy away from direct discourse, and she took the opportunity to lock lips with the wolf.  Their tongues, one brutishly flat and wide and the other a gifted ribbon, danced with the grace of a drunken sock hop.  Ezzie’s hips started to regain their stride, meeting every attempt by the wolf to reassert control of the discussion with her own point.  Pre was leaking freely by now, Ezzie’s cock slipping in with impossible ease.  

At one point, Trav paused to let Ezzie handle things, arching his back and crooning in pleasure as her balls smacked his ass from the force of her rutting.  In that moment, he grabbed for her chest, tearing at her blouse with his claws to try and release her heavy breasts. Stymied by a bra, he dove down with his muzzle, tearing at the fabric like a mindless feral with his teeth until the pair finally was bared to the air.   “Or a big reveal!”

Smirking at the cheeky mutt now licking and kissing at her chest, Ezzie chose to ignore the price of her couture and instead sunk her clawed fingertips into his ass while curling her body forward to gain a better stance to properly jackhammer Trav.  As he brought her cheek next to his and tried not to accidentally gore him with her horns, she managed to hiss between breaths. “All this is fine and good, but up until now it’s only been rising action…wanna know what comes next?”

Trav managed to let out a confused little squeak, before all remaining breath was knocked out of him as his back hit the table.  

Looking up at her in alarm as he was pinned down, she grinned toothily down at him, kissing his nose. “The climax.”

In the moments that followed, every sound the pair could make bounced off the walls.  Ezzie threw all of her weight and strength into the wolf, who wrapped his long limbs around her.  The wolf was howling and screaming in pleasure as that massive cock plunged in and out of him. They knew what was to come, and they knew it was coming fast.  Something had to give first…one more step to the plot before resolution.

With a pop, the first step came.  Ezzie moaned as she tried to pull back out, clawing the desk in frustration, but her first knot made that difficult.  Trav, meanwhile, was yipping and whining like a bitch in heat, trying to throw his body forward to meet her lap. He was so overloaded with pleasure that he didn’t seem to realize his cock had started to twitch and throb.  Their conflict was at its peak. All the development had led them to this point, and it was time to deliver…

A second pop, and the howling and screaming hit a crescendo.  It wasn’t just release, it was an explosion. With both knots firmly locked inside the wolf, there was nowhere to go but forward.  The first throb of Ezzie’s cock nearly stopped Trav’s heart, the wolf lucky to have her holding onto him for dear life as she tried to grind against his abused cheeks.  Even with all he’d taken, the deluge of cum she tried to direct into him was too much, and many heavy gushes spilled from their union onto the floor. Trav’s own climax splattered their chests, making a mess of his fur and a painting of her scales. 

In the first few moments following the climax, the pair swallowed each other’s gasps and moans in a deep, passionate kiss that carried on as the story gave way to falling action.  Soon, the tension finally dissipated, and the two were making their way toward a conclusion. 

“So yeah…that’s your basic story structure,” Ezzie eventually murmured, thankful her laptop hadn’t been lost in the scuffle.

“Yeah!  It’s good information, thanks,” Trav said dreamily. He afforded himself a little rub of his distended, sticky belly, applying pressure until it earned a coo from them both. 

The two just laid there in that awkward position for a while, until Ezzie guided them back into her chair, the wood complaining after its rough treatment.  Scooting the table back toward her, Ezzie gathered up her laptop and awkwardly passed Trav his notebook and pen. Soon, the sounds of tapping keys and scratching graphite started peppering the air once more.

After a minute, Ezzie broke the silence with a casual question.  “So, know what you’re planning on writing?

More silence, followed by a shrug. “Dunno.  Porn, probably.”


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