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You've settled in at the nude section of the beach and are just enjoying the sun until Ezzie the herm equine dragon crosses the boundary between the sections and starts undressing. You've never seen anything like her and she's got her eye on you. When you show you're interested in her, your time as a human comes to an end. Soon you'll be covered in scales. 

Female You + Ezzie at the Nude Beach

by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain)

The palm trees on either side of you lean toward the sea, reaching for the lazy waves crashing on the shore. You've found a sun lounger just on the other side of the line that separates the nude and clothed portions of the beach. Your bikini top and bottoms are laying in the bottom of your pink canvas bag, forgotten.

The afternoon sky has just started to take on the pinks and oranges of sunset. Even though the air is cool, you're quite content basking in the warmth of the sun. So content that you've long since closed your eyes. You're not really thinking about anything, just the crashing of the waves. Crash. Hiss. Sploosh. Fizz. Crash. Hiss. Sploosh. Fizz.

Something casts a shadow across your belly and breasts. With no warmth from the sun, your nipples harden in the cool air.

Opening your eyes, you see a green-scaled woman with features somewhere between dragon and horse. Her forest green mane travels down her back to halfway down her tail flanked by two ivory white horns, strong shoulders, and wide hips. Darker green spots dapple her voluptuous body to add to her allure. Her bikini top poorly hides her heavy breasts and her bikini bottoms barely hide her large package. She's looking across the nude section, eyes taking in every naked living soul as her bikini bottoms get stretched by her building excitement.

When her eyes make it to you, she grimaces and steps to the side. "Sorry, didn't realize I was blocking your sun."

As you let her know that it's no problem, you hope that this anthro herm bombshell is interested in human girls.

Her eyes can't seem to leave your exposed front. The cleft between your legs catches her gaze as she pulls off her bikini bottoms. "Seems this beach only attracts the most beautiful women."

Knowing she's talking about you, you get a rush of shyness. It only gets worse when you see her half-hard equine erection bared to the light of day. The flared head ready to stretch her next lover across it, the medial ring waiting to pop inside. Those plum-sized balls waiting to fill them full.

"I'll leave you be. Didn't mean to interrupt," she says as she takes off her top. Her nipples swell even larger now that they've lost their covering.

You tell her she's not interrupting.

"Oh?" She begins closing the distance between you. "Are you shopping for company as well?"

Unable to take your eyes off of her prick, you express that you weren't really shopping until she came along.

"I take it you've never seen an equine dragon before?"

Confirming her suspicion, you subconsciously spread your legs a bit wider.

She steps up to your side. "Do you want a closer look?"

You nod.

"I'm Ezzie, by the way." The broad head of her prick is staring you right in the face while her shaft behind it hanging there semi-erect.

After you offer your name, her tail finds your right hand. Running her smooth scales sensually along your palm, she says, "Don't be afraid, I want to be touched."

With that, you move your left hand up to her prick. It's warm and pulsing with her heart, hardening in your grasp. Hearing her let out a breathy moan as inches spill out of her sheath, you can't help but stroke her. Her scent mixes with the sea breeze adding a hint of lavender and a heavy grassy undertone which makes your snatch start to glisten with wetness.

When her shaft crests a foot long and is so thick you can't get your fingers around it, she says, "Mmm, let me return the favor." Her tail leaves your hand and runs down your leg and then across your belly, scales sliding over your skin, muscles twitching under them. Just before her tail tip gets to your clit, she says, "How about some tail?"

You moan out a yes and she hooks her tail over your clit. 

She then teases your slit as she grabs your right hand and coaxes it under her balls. When her big horse clit collides with your middle finger, she says, "Why not explore here too?"

With your hand shaking and your breath catching in your throat, you feel around her stretchy, leathery-lipped mare muff. Your face is so close to her prick that you nearly cross your eyes when you see a bead of pre form, you find you can't help but lick it off.

Feeling your tongue on her prick, she gasps and pres right into your mouth. As you lick it up she grabs your head and eases herself deeper. Her girth challenges your small human mouth, but you do manage to get a few inches in. A salted sweet grass flavor fills your senses as she grabs handfuls of your hair and starts thrusting her prick into your oral embrace and her tail into your pussy.

The taper of her tail stretches your pussy open wider and wider until you feel like it's going to burst. When she makes her tail dance inside you, your body flies toward orgasm. Her massive sac slaps against your chin as you finally manage to start deepthroating her equine endowment.

Wanting to please her, you dig your fingers into her snatch. After you get four inside, she moans and hisses, "Try your fisssst!"

You back out and add your thumb, finding it easy to fist her! Once your whole hand is in her hot depths, she clenches and rolls her hips. Two knots fill in at the base of her cock and when you explore them with your other hand you wonder what they'd feel like inside you. Unfortunately, your human pussy would be overwhelmed by them.

Pulling your face away, she says, "I want this to last much longer. How about we change it up for a bit... You ever licked out an equine pussy before?" Her tail's teasing you, undulating in ways that make it hard for you to reply.

Blushing bright red with your fist still inside her, you say that you haven't and that you wish you had a pussy like hers so you could fit more of her tail, or her whole cock inside you.

"I can make that wish a reality," she says with a grin. 

You stare at her wondering if she's messing with you, unsure what to say.

"Don't look at me like that. I wouldn't toy with you and get your hopes up if I couldn't deliver. I think you'd make a beautiful equine dragon. So, what do you say? Want to give it a try?"

You moan simply thinking about it: being covered in scales, having a big mare clit, a nice long dragon tail, a mane, and a muzzle. You want it all so bad! 

She takes your moaning as a signal to ravage your passage with her tail. "Oooh, you kinky little human. You're gonna cum just thinking about transforming, aren't you?"

As if by command, your pussy cums around her tail. You're hopelessly kinky, you can't help it. As you cry out in orgasm, you beg her to start changing you now. Her tail makes a helix in your pussy that sends you into the stratosphere. You're twitching when you come down from the orgasm still thinking about what's about to happen.

After easing your fist out of her, she straddles your head and helps you put the lounger into its fully reclined position. Her teardrop-shaped horse pussy falls toward your face as she says, "Here we go!"

Her balls come to rest atop your head just before her cooch kisses your lips. That lavender scent is stronger now with an earthy undertone. Your tongue tingles as you lick up into her. She's tangy and sweet. Her large clit rubs against your nose as she grinds herself against your face. You can feel the base of her dick bounce and her balls drag across your forehead as you keep licking into the smooth elastic flesh of her snatch.

As she draws moans from you by coiling her tail inside you, your nose stops pressing up so hard against her. It feels like it's been covered in sea foam with fizzing sensations all throughout it. That fizzing spreads across your lips, seeps into your jaws, and reaches into your cheeks.

Ezzie gasps and shakes her hips as your tongue extends further and further into her. The top of your head aches as two sharp horns poke out. The aching subsides as they grow into a similar shape and length to hers. A brief sharp electric jolt accompanies your tongue splitting down the middle. Your brain does a backflip as you discover that you can move the two forks independently. Experimenting with your new thick, long, and dexterous dragon tongue, you make her gasp. Her feminine nectar is now drenching your face. Your teeth multiply as your jaws push up toward her, skin tickling as blue scales grow in. As your nostrils move to separate sides of your growing hybrid muzzle, you start to pick up scents your human nose was missing out on.

You can smell her need clearer than ever. It's so strong that at first you think you're going to sneeze, but instead you get powerfully horny. More aroused than you've ever been in your life. You tongue-fuck her, squeeze your passage around her tail, and moan into her muff. Unable to hold back your cock lust, you reach up and start stroking at her length.

Now she's thrusting into your handjob while she rides your new dragon muzzle. Scales feel better against her snatch than your skin did. The texture is exquisite. 

Your breasts feel tight on your chest as they swell larger, heavier. That tickling of scales replacing your skin moves down across your breasts and tummy and the moment it gets to your needy folds, your clit shudders growing bigger and more sensitive while pushing your labia further and further apart. Her scent is only getting more appealing! The desperation of your snatch skyrockets as your dampness is cooled by the sea breeze. You nearly stop to beg her to fuck you.

More of Ezzie's tail enters, testing the capacity of your forming mare cunt. Your pussy lips become fuller, more sensitive, and stretchy as they darken. You can tell that she's got a kink for transforming others, she's practically dripping pre now. Twisting and undulating your tongue, you try to drive her over the edge. You find that you can move your lips in ways that you'd never imagined and use your upper lip to fondle her clit. This gets her to grip your horns and grind against your scaly face even harder

You want to hear her cum, you want her to mash herself against your horse dragon muzzle, you want to experience this beautiful herm getting off nice and hard because of your expert cunnilingus.

And then you get your wish, as your tailbone starts to ache and you feel scales take over your backside, she roars atop you. Waves of contractions inside her powerful pussy batter your tongue, her wetness drips down the sides of your muzzle, her tail goes wild inside you, and her whole body rocks like a ship in a storm. 

As she's coming down from this release, your tail starts taking up the space between your butt cheeks and it soon becomes clear that you need to get up and give it room.

"Ahh, that was marvelous!" Ezzie says as she lifts herself off of you. "I bet you're dying to get dicked..." She pulls her tail out of you.

Not having anything inside you is almost painful. Your snatch is throbbing, your nipples are as hard as sapphires, your heart is racing, and your whole body feels flushed. You try to speak, to beg, but your pussy interrupts you by winking. After you moan and whine in pure desperate lust, you finally manage to beg for Ezzie to stuff you with her shaft.

Hearing you beg, she strokes herself and growls. "Get on all fours and I'll fuck you nice hand hard."

Since she stopped touching you, you haven't felt any further changes. As you work to get on all fours, you see iridescent blue-gold scales shimmer on your arms, sides, and legs. Your light-pink pearly belly scales reflect the orange hues of dusk beautifully. 

The sun hangs huge above the horizon with pencil-like clouds breaking up its image. Ezzie's outline is cut into the sunset. Her wide hips ready to hump into you, a bead of pre hanging from the flare of her giant horsecock glistening with the warm hues of the beauty behind her. 

Her eyes are on you as you get on all fours, her attention never wavering.

The moment you're in position, she presses her broad cock head against your mare snatch. You feel ecstatic warmth enter you through that connection as your tail resumes its formation.

Grabbing onto your tail, coaxing it out further and further, she moves forward. Pure bliss, that's what your clit and labia feel as your snatch spreads wider and wider for her flare. Then your breath catches in your throat as it suddenly slips inside you. The tip of your two-foot-long tail curls and you both moan sharply when she starts losing inches of her girthy pole inside you.

Scales fill in on your hands, your fingernails become claws, and your ears feel like someone's tugging on them as they get long and pointy. You're nearly the same as her, your new body is about to be complete.

Ezzie isn't gentle, she knows your new animalistic cunt can easily take all of her. She leans into her penetration, entering you as fast as your body can accept her inside. Your pussy wouldn't have it any other way, the wonderful sensation of being filled is making it almost impossible to catch your breath. It's constant fireworks, a flood of awe-inspiring greatness.

Never before have you needed to be fucked this bad, never before have you fit anything as big as her inside you. The thrill has your heart pounding and when she stops at that first knot, you already want it inside. Instead, she toys with you, grinds it against your opening. All you can do is cry out and try to push back against her. But when you do so, she pulls back and stops herself from slipping in deeper. All you can think about is getting both knots inside you, but she won't even give you the first one!

As your tail passes five feet long, she grabs your hips and starts abrupt jabs into your desperate passage. You make sounds you've never made before: growls, whinnies, and roars. As she picks up the pace, you get a pleasure headache that feels like sunbeams through your skull. Something big is building, like a static charge in your loins.

Her blunt cock head forces your pussy to stretch so drastically, so quickly, each time she plunges into you. It's a violent pleasure, nearly overwhelming, but this is what your equine snatch was made for.

You plead for her to knot you.

"Fuck! You're so hot! I'm going to cum so damn hard!" Ezzie rails into you popping that first knot in and out over and over, driving you right up to the edge. Your body doesn't want to cum without that second knot and she knows it. "I'm so damn close! Goddess, you're tight!" She gets even harder, you can feel she's as close to the edge as you are.

Your ankles crack, your toes lengthen, your toenails become claws, and your feet take on the same digitigrade shape as hers. Each digit feels like someone's squeezing it during the change. Your tail is now nearly six feet long--like hers. No part of you is human. You are an equine dragon like the gorgeous well-hung girl about to knot you.

And knot you she does. The first one goes in, but this time she grabs the base of your tail with one hand and your waist with the other and shoves forward, digging her claws into the sand. At first, it feels like she won't fit, like there's not enough room inside you. A twinge of pain signals your limit just before you feel the second knot pop inside you. It's such an extreme sensation that a wave of numbness radiates out from your pussy. But then you feel like she's tossed you up into the air.

You may as well be flying, your whole body is full of glitter, every part of you singing in joyous harmony. As your snatch milks her prick, she grinds her balls into your clit and unleashes a torrent of heavy cream inside you. Feeling her titanic load test your capacity even further, your peak goes right off the map.

You roar louder than her, you squeal, and you thrash atop the lounger cutting it with your new claws. She can't seem to stop cumming inside you and the fuller you feel, the further into uncharted territory you travel.

This isn't mind-blowing, you were past that point when she started entering. No, you're caught in a galaxy-sized tsunami. 

The only things keeping you grounded are Ezzie's flare and her two knots. They've swelled inside you locking you to her, pinning you to this moment. And it isn't until you think you couldn't possibly hold another drop of her spooge that she stops delivering it. Neither of you can speak for a few minutes. The afterglow is like an infinite sunset: warm and gentle and limitless.

As your senses come back, you hug Ezzie with your tail. 

She wraps her tail around your middle and trails her fingers through your mane lovingly. "You're an incredible lay."

You thank her for transforming you.

"No need to thank me, it was loads of fun." She blinks as if she just remembered something. "So, how long are you staying? I should probably change you back before you go back to the rest of your life."

Shaking your head, you tell her you never want to be changed back.

"Well, then, welcome, newest member of the equine dragon herd." She gives you her biggest smile yet.


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