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I've been asked to participate in the creation of a yaoi game. We are still brainstorming ideas such as the storyline and characters and such . Patrons will get all the art to the game throughout the months and when it's released I'll be sure to provide a discount to you guys ( I'll try to get you a major discount and not like a Sh!^^y 5% discount like usually seen ( Ideally I'd say around 30% or more ) . Anyway I'm super excited to start releasing the concept art and the sex scenes to you guys so look out for those !



Provided that it's in a language that I speak... :P As in... English. :P LOL! It's nice to play games when you actually understand the content. :P


Yea it'll be in English , its just me and the y-gallery admin on this but the results should be fantastic


This sounds exciting, have they requested anything specific? Would be interesting to see what sort of them they come up with. Maybe an underground world with Spider King at your service? xD