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Preface: I'm content with both

Okay so I was looking at other artist ( wrong step #1) and I started to feel like my art is always the boring pin-upy type and im just that guy that does stiff poses? atleast compared to other people have their characters flying n shit while jack off and shits flyin by and its amazing so I thought I might redo mac??? but as always I can decide so how about you guys choose once again

left is mac confident, ready to fight or just won easy and it ready for a victory jerk or something
Right is more defeated , tied down, humiliated ?

keep in mind that the one on the right could still come out really bad and then I'd just do the first one but we'll see, I appreciate these votes/insights



Personally, I like tied down guys. But both options are good. You shouldn’t feel pressured to change your style. Do what you like to do most.


Other differences, like the Left has a face, intervened. It depends on how you do it.