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I broke my laptop by spilling water on it and dont have enough to buy a new one yet ( will probably buy one next month )

So right now im doing everything on my phone and lemme tell you that dropbox shit is hard to manage LOL

The best way to contact or stay in touch with update of art is through instagram and less but not least , twitter.

I will still come on here once a day to check things so you can still message me here but it just might take up to 24 hours to respond and I wont respond in seconds like I usually do LOL. Ill still post new artworks on here too so its not a BIG deal its just a LITLLE set back

CAT NOIR IS COMING UP SOON! I might resketch the ninja guy to be more sexual of a pose but we'll see ! do you guys want more sexual?



More sexual pose for the ninja guy=^_^=

caroy davington

If its from you I'd say be more daring and provocative/sexual. Least this is only a setback and who knows, Maybe the new laptop will be even better.


always up for a lewder pose

Kreisheart (クライスハート)

*Sigh* I feel you. I dropped my 3DS last night. Since it's broken, I can't transfer my save files to a new one. Thousands of hours of saves all gone if I can't repair it. :( I'm really hating Nintendo right now for locking saves down to a single piece of hardware instead of to an account.


fuck that blows!! thnkfully i had no files on my laptop, it was only 2 mnths old with everything on dropbox