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literally the last 1-2 weeks ive been experiencing wrist pain lol.........it started off with thumb pain and eventually became wrist and elbow pain and i had to see my physiotherapist again ;; my physiotherapist said that its probably a bit of RSI (repetitive strain injury) and my ulnar nerve getting irritated. i dont think it's anything TOO serious, but i know that if i keep drawing in this condition, it would only get worse and i have to think of my health in the long-run so i dont think it's a good idea for me to work in february... T_T 

I used to have a really bad wrist injury 3 years ago (it was tendonitis/repetitive strain injury) and i couldn't draw for like 4 months so i'm really trying to be careful and look after my health D:

super super bummed out because i was excited to start patreon again and i have a lot of new things i wanna draw! but its ok ill for sure get better soon!!!!!

anyway thank you for your patience and understanding, and also ty to everyone who still stuck around i appreciate you guys so so much !!!!! ;-; ♥

- diana

FOR PEOPLE INTERESTED IN PLEDGING THIS MONTH: you can still pledge this month to see rewards from previous months but I just won't have anything new this month, thanks!!!!


Alter Valna

Your health is more important, so take as much time as you need to heal, we'll be here when you return~🖤.


A short (voluntary) break now is definitely better than a long (involuntary) break later, hope your wrist feels tip top soon!