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 July Ask

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   Ask questions to
~Mother Lugia
~Grandfather Giratina
~Zygarde Core


Akari Haize

Silver : In your relationship with Finn, you always are on the recieving end. Have you ever wanted to turn things up ? Like, Finn being the reciever for once, if you know what i mean. To Red, Blue and Green : What do you think of your little brother Yellow having such a close relationship with Clover ? Have you ever got a Pokemon that meet your eye ?


Finn: What’s the best product you’ve manage to make so far?


Hay silver have you ever thought of using your dark side and being to dominator for a change


Green and Azula: when will you both admit you're crushing on each other?


Hoopa: What are your favorite vacation spots?

Zhon Lord

Aurelius: that's quite the interesting mirror you have, how does it work?

Zhon Lord

Zygarde core: what's your take on the dark Silver situation? Will you be calling for more backup?


To Giratina: Giratina my fine sir! how are you?. Tell me, what do you do for fun when you are bored?.

Zhon Lord

Latias: until recently we thought you were as pure and wholesome as a person could get. But now that you've shown us you can keep up with Azzi... Just how kinky can you get?

Zhon Lord

Azula: what's the most complex illusion you've ever crafted, the one that took the greatest amount of effort?


To Azula: Azula my fine lady!, How are you?. Tell me, what happened to your little zorua minion from back when you tried to steal silvers eggs?.


To Red, Blue, and Green: Hello there my fine young gentlemen!, how are you?. Tell me, you three are pretty much adults now, so i'm curious, do you like asses or boobs more?. Don't be shy now, it's just a question.


Hey megan! Do you party with lugia and yveltal while silver is not home?


Dear Latias How do you feel about your Azzilan becoming a dragon dose this mean you can final make a family you wanted?


to Silver has Sergen ever tried teaching you how to cook ?

Norvin Fisk

RGB Trio: So, you guys are growing up, any ambitions for the future? Jobs, journeys, places you wanna visit? Also, learned any interesting things from Azzy, Shamrock and Azula?


To Latias: You are fairly new to the group. I was wondering... what kinda stuff were you up to before you met Azzilan?


Azzilian: WHY ?!

Zhon Lord

Giratina: I assume you've been watching events like you did in the distortion world. Has anyone told lugia what's going on with silver?