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~Mother Lugia
~Grandfather Giratina
~Zygarde Core



To yellow: Do you ever stay home by yourself, or are there pokemon/kids your age that you hang out with and play with?


Hoopa when will you ask celebi out


Green: When you will admit that you have a crush on Azula?


Hoopa: do you ever spy on anyone with your portals?


Silver do why don't you use your tail to make pseudo-clothing since you lose your clothes most of the time, also do you ever just use your tail as a quick duster for those high up areas?


Hey red and blue how was the training trip with your dad?

Gravo Guthaus

To Giratina: You are together with your beloved Lugia for a while now. How likely would you consider the possibility of creating further offspring?


To the male version of Silver, we know about what the nanobots do inside of you. But what are the effect if a male has them? Like are they able to change the size, shape and length of his manhood? Or will it be the same with their organs removed like you're female version?

WB Nuggets

Silver will you have another kid in the future possibly a girl ;)


To Red and Blue: So how is training with Mother Lugia ?


To Azula: Azula my fine madam! how are you?. Tell me, what happened to your little minion from all the way back when you tried to steal silvers eggs?.


Hey Shira! Sorry I didn't get a chance to say bye before you left for your mission in Unova. How are things going? - Gally


To Gally: What's it like working at a femboy hoothooters?


Pretty sure it was not the best Sunday after noon for him.


Shamrock: Since Silver has a key stone for mega evolving now, do you have any interest in getting your own mega form?


To Shira: Shira my fine mastermind pal!, how are you?. So now that you've seen silver's Dark side, and the amount of damage it can do. What manner of "Contingency Plans" do you then have to fight against it? or do you need to make new ones now?.

Zhon Lord

Dark Silver: if you were to get free for good, who would you hunt down first and why?

Zhon Lord

Azula: what's the full story behind how you and azzi met?


Silver (Male Form) - How are YOUR Nanobots working?


To Dark Silver: why do you wanna take over Silver any specific reason?


To Silver: Silver my girl... Tell me, you've given into your own darkness twice now, so how dose it FEEL when you give into it?. Dose it feel like your Pain and sorrow get's washed away?, or do you emotions just go numb for a time?.


To the female version of Silver, have you ever wondered what would happen if you gain the DNA of a Digimon? Since digimon can evolve into many types of Digimons while pokemon have sometimes but one evolution line, you think by for example taken Gatomon's DNA, think you can also 'evolve' into one of Gatomon's mega evolution, Magnadramon and/or Ophanimon?


To Silver: Hi Silver say do you happen to have any kinks that you keep hidden from your two mates and if so will you share them with us pretty pleas?


To Dark silver: Dark silver ay?, PFF!!, some dark entity you are!. Ooohh don't get me wrong, your Destructive capabilities, and Madness, are just PHENOMENAL. But your "Expertise" at taking over bodies, and staying in control of said bodies... It could use some work. But now i'm not here to list off your ups and downs, no no, i have a simple question, from a fellow Villain to another. WHO and WHAT manner of Being are you? and why do you specifically want to possess silver's body?.

Akari Haize

Silver : In your relationship with Finn, you always are on the recieving end. Have you ever wanted to turn things up ? Like, Finn being the reciever for once, if you know what i mean. To Red, Blue and Green : What do you think of your little brother Yellow having such a close relationship with Clover ? Have you ever got a Pokemon that meet your eye ?


To Dark Silver: You really need to work on your control there if a mama seeing her baby is going to throw you off THAT easily. What is your endgame here? If you were to escape and make your own form, do you REALLY think you could match up against the same mama protecting her babies?


to Azula: have you ever wondered what happened to the chick that you used to bang that had the expanding belly? do you ever wonder if maybe she might have possibly been carrying your child? considering silver's had kids with both lugia and yveltal, anything could be possible.


To Silver: Since Hoopa rescuted you from the research facility in the begining its pretty safe to asume that she could go back there. If given the oportunity, would like you return (maybe with your new legendary relatives) to wreck some stuff?


To Silver: you managed to have children with Lugia and Yveltal, you don't fear there might be a chance of having children with Shamrock or Azzilan?


To shira: what do you think of silvers dark side now that you mate her gally already seen it just a heads up if you wear to ask him about it also Dear Silver: What should I ask for?


Gally: why are you so cute


to Grandfather Giratina : we know you have a soft spot for the ladies and a gentle heart but a perv: but are you sure you dont have an evil but powerful split personality due to your past inner demons when you were banished long ago to a point you surpass even dark silver if you wanted to let it out?


Hay Hoopa question for you. If all the cocks you summon are from other people... why not summon a symbiotic one? That way you also can feel it yourself instead of "guessing what it feels like".

Norvin Fisk

To Sergen: So, we know how Megan feels about teh RGB trio, but what about you? got you eye on anyone?


azula read this in seacret and destroy itafter. : will you finaly get green by changeing to like like his magazine crush and take his purety away while silver is distracted?

Joshua Stuard

To Silver, Lugia, and Yveltal: so far, you three have each had three boys from Lugia and one boy from Yveltal. I was wondering if you all ever thought about having a girl someday?