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Ask questions to
~Red Blue & Green.  (must be a question regarding all 3 at least)
~Mother Lugia
~Grandfather Giratina
~Zygarde Core

~~This month's special.~~




What do Clover and Yellow think of each other?


To Palkia: Does it ever get any lonely in the space dimension? Or does Hoopa provide the right company for you?


Hey kids, what was your favorite thing you got for Christmas, or what ever holiday you celebrate in December

Danella Rodriguez-Giusti

To blue, red, and green: do you know Meagan thinks your humanoid selves are attractive? What do you think about it?


Hey palkia: with your ability to switch genders, what pranks did you pull on giratina using that trick? (Does silver also have this ability now?)

Zhon Lord

Mama lugia: how goes the training of Red and Blue? Any issues keeping their competitive natures in check?


To Silver, you planning on visiting Galar anytime soon? :)


To silver (again) : why not bite when someone shoves it in your mouth ?, do you like to he dominated sexually ?


To Grandfather Giratina: Giratina you magnificent bastard!, how are you doing!. I was curious as to what you do for a living?. From what i've heard, everyone in the world pretty much sees you as the bloody Devil, and starts shitting their pants when they see you. what kinds of ups and downs dose your reputation give you?. Also, how is the wives?(Mama Lugia and Yveltal).


Triplets do you think you ever fall in love


To Yellow: Yellow my fine boy!. HA! HA!. how are you doing!, you cute little s***!. I see that you have found yourself a Girlfriend!. Congratulations my boy!. Now you just need to kiss her and it's official!. HA! HA!

Zhon Lord

Finn: that Dragonite's business seems to be quite the competitor of yours. Has your company clashed with them in the past?


Hey silver. Got a ruler? Let's see who has the biggest thing. Let's finally decide who's king of size.


Megan and Sergen, after learning that Azzi knew your mother and from knowing Silver, has the thought ever crossed your minds that he and she hooked up?


To sergen: Sergen my fine sir!, how are you?. I want to know. Are you the Gayest, of Gayest Fuckboys there are?.


To Silver: So Silver... I want to know. Have you EVER considered to just, Let lose, Let 'er rip, Throw all of your thoughts into the back of your head, and just let your Anger do the fighting?.


To silver: I just got to know when are you going to let yellow data and telling him about the piggy and the beedills

Gravo Guthaus

To Azzilan. Now that we had the unpleasant opportunity to meet your Father... I can't remember ever hearing about your Mother. Do you have any idea where she might be? Or... do you even care at that point?


Shamrock, how’s watching over little Gally and the other time victims?


Hey Palkia, what was it like dealing with your sister and mom after Giratina was banished? You get into any trouble?


To silver: I'm curious out of all the forms you've gotten throughout your adventure so far, which one is your favorite, least favorite and why?


Whats has Shamrock been up to lately?


To Sergen and Meagan: How did you two first get into “connecting” with your Pokémon? *wink*