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  Ask questions to
~Red Blue & Green.  (must be a question regarding all 3 at least)
~Mother Lugia
~Grandfather Giratina

~~This month's special.~~




Azula have you ever thought about making silver you mate?


Hey Yellow! You should when no one is looking, steal one of your mother's poke balls and tap clover on the shoulder.


Meagan who/what was your most satisfying fuck


Silver have you heard of a certain pokemon named hoopa it dragged you here


Azzi, who was the best female pokémon or human you've had sex with before you met Silver?

Zhon Lord

Clover, how have you and Papa Shamrock been getting along? Has he taken you on any fun trips?

Norvin Fisk

To Sergen: what's the biggest dick you've ever taken? (P.S. we all know you love being on the bottom~)

Casini Nicola

silver and silver, never hear about mawile? you should try her :3q


To the triplets. Since Red and Yellow have gotten signature combat moves, have Blue and Green managed to learn any unique moves, and if not, what moves are you hoping to learn?


To Clover: What were you and Alex doing in Sinnoh?

The General 501

Too Silver and Azzilan do you two hate each other and if so why don't you leave? Also do you have kids together?

Lunar Magic

To Silver: Do you have any plans for snep/snektember?


To Sergen: Do you wonder what Glacy is up to every now and again?

Gravo Guthaus

Hi Azzilan, We all know that Shamrock has a whole lots of children. And we all know that Azula too has some children running around. How about you? You were, to my knowledge, banging every female you saw fit until Silver caught you. So the question is, do you know that you have children or is it more a guess that you could've possibly knocked up a couple o girls?


To clover; How many Pokemon battles have you been in and what was your toughest fight?


Hey azzilan. Who has the biggest dicc in z party?


question to Grandpatina how many kids do you have like really?


Silver, as someone with a tail, I have to know, have you self pleasured yourself with your tail?


Yveltal mother : you look like a fun and intaresting pokemon. and i like your personalety. would you like to hang out with this tiger wolf and be fiends ? :3

Kaeli Cedarfallen

To Lugia, Yveltal, mama Yveltal, and Grandpa Giratina: Besides the obvious, who among the main cast would you most want have fun with, if given the chance?


To silver are you going to ever get triple teamed and would you ever want to


To yellow: are you excited to get to meet your grandma?


To silver and co: If you could, what kind of villain would you like to be?. We've all seen Evil/Crazy silver, so i'm curious as to what you guys EVIL side would be?. (P.s If you are looking for any henchmen, give me call)


To Meagan and Sergen: What was your guys’ first time like?


To Finn, How expensive are the products of your company? And how detailed are they?


Can we see a genderbend of red, blue, green and yellow?

Sylv Ink

To Clover: What would you like if you were an adult?


To the kids: what would RBG look like made younger and Yellow Older?