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Flash shares a lot of his comics with me to pick from and most don't have text but he will give me a brief concept to work from. This was one of the few that basically had nothing. The story is a bit simple, with the 'punchline' being similar to the last Flash File, needing sexy time to undo the curse. I mostly wanted to use this one because of the excellent final forms.

Flash's thoughts:

So sometimes I make commissions just because I get a good deal, and not necessarily because I have a good idea. This one is sort of a result of that being basically a bunch of nonsense, and then the thing I actually wanted which was some street-walkers.

The flow of action is pretty bad page one to be honest, I think the action on the first page is super unclear and random (like what the heck are they jumping at in that last panel? Why is Itadori coming from the left all of a sudden? But this is likely due to me being bad at describing what I wanted and also not caring as much about the non-sexy stuff.

As rabbit said the final designs are what make the rest worth it, perhaps I'll reuse them in something else or redo the comic with a more clear vision.
