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I only made one change in this set, which is the 💩 one changed to 🐷, which I thought would be better since it's more related to her because she likes piggies. 😆

(She thinks they're cute, adorable and most of all, delicious)

While I do most of the stickers with consideration of "where can I use this?"

I personally just like this one...even though it might be an emoji that doesn't seem to have a lot of use case... 😅 (mostly maybe wordplay? placed in the middle of a sentence, like that), but I think it looks cool, so I wanna make it XDDD

And this one too, LOL. Sara is trying to track down someone she's trying to follow, by sniffing their scent. 👀

After showing Laylani in transforming in the comic as a bat...

I kept thinking, sara uses a lot of ninjutsu in the stickers, but she doesn't really use most them that much in the comic.🤣 like the hand thing they do in naruto, and the summoning one (actually mainly meant just for stickers)

And completed the walking meme one XD (would probably keep making a walking emoji when making for another character's solo emoji, thinking of Fiona next maybe.)

Hope you like it, will post the Full res GIF when the set is released.

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C Gomez

Another banger set