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Hi gang. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. I have an important update for y'all about the reward tiers on my patreon. I have to go over a lot of boring ass administrative details so if you don't give a shit about the rewards you can just ignore this post. Since I launched this account over seven years ago, I've made little to no changes to the lower tiers. The $1 tier was intended for general support and access to some exclusive content, the $3 tier for exclusive comic draw streams, and the $5 tier for a monthly draw request stream. (shout out to my $2 patrons flexing their immense monetary gains).

By and large, I'm not making major changes to the $1 and $2. You'll still get new comics delivered to your inbox with the secret panel included. You'll still get access to any new exclusive content I post here. I am making one minor tweak. Any exclusive content older than six months will only be accessible by the $2 tier and higher. I just wanted to give $2 patrons SOMETHING and incentivize spending a tiny bit more on my patreon. That'll include Monday Morning Comics, Extras, and anything else currently only accessible by patrons. Draw Requests are available to non-patrons and will remain so.

The big change is coming to the two livestream tiers. I have decided to combine the $3 and $5 tiers into one catch-all livestream tier priced at $4. This new tier will be the home to ALL of my patreon exclusive livestreams. I'll be streaming anything I'm working on and at least one draw request stream a month. I'm going to post a schedule of upcoming streams so you can better anticipate when I'm going live. I'm also considering experimenting with YouTube since my current stream setup is a little convoluted. You will need to attend the draw request streams if you want something drawn, and I'll be drawing things a lot faster and looser. That was the original intention of the $5 tier, but I felt bad for people who missed the streams and always offered to do them non-live. It slowly morphed into a $5 draw commission tier which is not really what I intended. Now that it's just a part of the overall livestream tier, I won't feel like I'm robbing you of something you paid for. I'm also keenly aware that many of you don't care THAT much about the rewards and just want to support me, but I always strive to deliver what I promise.

Okay, here comes all the technical boring ass administrative details I promised up top.

These changes won't officially take effect until September 1st. I strongly encourage those who want to keep watching streams to switch to the $4 if you are currently either in the $3 or $5 tiers. After September 1st, $3 patrons will no longer have access to livestream posts. $5 patrons will still get access, but they'll be paying $1 more than they need to. I'll post a reminder and send out messages to any patrons who haven't made the switch. I cannot edit current reward tiers so this is the only way I can do it. Right now the $3 and $5 tiers are unpublished which means that they still exist, but new patrons can't join them. At the end of September, I'll be deleting the $3 and $5 tiers. Your membership will still be active, but you will be considered a "no-tier" patron. I'll continue to send no-tier patrons messages to encourage them to switch to the $4 or delete their pledge if they no longer wish to support my comic. There will be a normal draw request stream this month and next month. After August, it'll shift to the looser format.

PHEW! Well, that was exhausting. Necessary, but exhausting. I had been wanting to make these changes for a looooong time, but I knew it would be a cumbersome transition. I'm always terrified that if I try to make any changes people will be like "FUCK THIS" and delete their pledge, but I needed to rip the band-aid off at some point. Things have changed so much since I started this patreon and it was in desperate need of an update. These adjustments just makes sense to me. If you have any questions, drop them here and I'll get to them over the next couple days. There was also a lot of talk about possibly relaunching my discord server so let me know if that interests you at all. Maybe I could livestream directly on discord?! Eh? Ehhhh??

Once again, thank you all so much for your incredible support. I appreciate every single one of you at every reward level. Y'all are the best and I'm so fortunate to have you.

Much Love,





this post makes me want to flex $$$


Yes please to a Discord server!