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Well, gang. This is it. We're in the final hours of the Kickstarter campaign for my new book. This is the third time we've shared this wild ride together. Some of you were here for the first book campaign six years ago. Some of you were here for the Snollygoster campaign four years ago. Many patrons aren't here anymore, but every single patron over the last seven years helped me get to this point. None of this would have been possible without you. Every single month, you guys chip in what you can so I can keep making these ridiculous comics and everything that comes with it. Many of you have bought merch, backed campaigns, and spread the word about Lovenstein. I consider many of you my friends, and the rest I just haven't had the opportunity to get to know yet.

It's been an emotional morning for me. I woke up to see we hit the final stretch goal and raised over $200,000. Over 3000 people decided to back this campaign. I truly never thought I'd see these kinds of numbers in my life. It's not the money that's been hitting me in the feels. It's the meaning behind those pledges. When people spend their hard earned money on my work when there are so many other things they could spend their money on. The excitement and enthusiasm for this project has been overwhelming. I never thought this many people would care this much about my silly comics. If you've ever created something before, you know how hard it can be to get people to care about what you do. I struggled with that for many years, but you guys were always here to keep me going. The money paid the bills  of course, but also all of the incredibly kind comments, messages, conversations, and expressions of joy over my work. It has meant the world to me. All I can do now is keep making things I hope you'll enjoy, and pay it forward to other creators. Sorry for getting so sentimental, but I really wanted you to know how much of an impact you've made in MY life. I am so incredibly fortunate, and I never take it for granted.

Thank you

Much love,





There was a Kickstarter?


I f*cking KNEW you'd pass the $200.000 mark! Congratulations on your Epic Failure! You failed so hard, you even failed to fail. Unbelievable. And yeah, we love you too, yadda yadda. Now get back to work.


To be serious for a split second: I'm damn proud of you! Your work ethic is second to none and your gratitude for your patrons' support is palpable. Give yourself a big hand and write yourself a nice fat cheque to go on a well deserved - and surely much needed - vacation with the missus.