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Daniel Goland

From what I understand this is the episode that had some controversy, which was seemingly edited out (right?), needless to say, I wasn't the biggest fan of that segment, even without the controversial bit that was omitted. While I was looking out for the article about the Redlic/LaTrice segment I was a bit spoiled on episode 3 where I guess I should be expecting a good amount of "evil editing" from Mnet, and how they portray LaTrice. Anyway, if you're interested in my thoughts I share them as the segment happened and also talked about it a bit at the outro, but keep in mind that only read about the controversy AFTER finishing the video.


Well, for me, in terms of the whole Latrice and Redlic situation, I think it goes without saying that Redlic was extremely wrong for that comment, especially discrediting Latrice’s years of being a dancer. They definitely tried painting Latrice in a certain light with all those cuts in the episode and tried to save the redlic’s image, especially by cutting out Latrice crying. I honestly just think Redlic is hotheaded and is the type of person who does not think before she speaks. I also noticed you were confused when Latrice said Redlic was younger in her dance years. This basically means that yes, she has experience but does not have as much experience as she does, if that makes sense. All in all, great reaction. I really wished they didn’t cut out the crew battles though I wanted you to see the teams as a unit.

fabrice maire

I'm definitely not a fan of this show I didn't like the first season because of all the trash talk. and I'm already not a fan of this season. it's not because of the performances which are often very good or even because of the participants, I really liked Aiki, Chaeyeong or Noze in the first season. but I don't like the vibe, the state of mind of the show which is the opposite of what Korean shows usually are. I'm so disappointed not to have been able to vote for Produce 101 (I was on vacation far from any internet connection lol) but hey we don't always win and I was able to see Squid game and Good girl with you guys so it doesn't matter I pass my turn this time.


Bada and Kirsten are insane!!


I am a Bada's fan from now on


I really liked the way the leader group handled the choosing of the choreo. Yes, Mina brought up the idea of choosing based on the thought of stealing but she simply put it out there straightforward and in the end they decided against it. That's why I think the end result was so impressive. The other 2 going the strategic route was better in terms of show drama I guess but by the end of the episode those choreos were overshadowed by the significantly more impressive piece from Bada. That's what happens when you sacrifice quality for the sake of winning and that's fine that they wanted to do that but I don't understand why so many of them complained about the dance chosen when they're the ones who voted for it. Though, Capri's came out better than I thought it would and at least even though their thought was to steal it the rookie group didn't throw it so viciously in her face like the sub leader group did with Latrice. Redlic came across as a child throwing a tantrum. I've always been impressed with her as a dancer but having not been familiar with her personality I found her a bit unlikable.


In terms of Street Man Fighter it was not as popular or beloved, at least not by fans of SWF. The show just didn’t have the same energy as SWF and there were a lot of controversies surround the contestants at that time as well. While it is true that many dancer and choreographers sometimes need more time to learn or create a choreography, I feel like when you sign up to go on a show like SWF you know that you are going to have a limited amount of time and you should be prepared for that. Even though I like Capri, I thought it was ridiculous that the rookie class chose Capri’s choreography was there wasn’t even really a choreography to choose. Rena definitely deserved that one so I felt bad. As for the Sub-leaders, I seem to hold the unpopular opinion but Latrice did deserve the criticism they gave her. It seemed like they weren’t upset that she didn’t choreograph based on the lyrics, they were upset because she gave the impression that there was no way she could have gotten a translate which made them feel like she didn’t really car to put the effort it. Then there was also the issue of her not knowing the choreography well enough to teach it to them smoothly. A lot of people were quick to hate on Redlic but personally I do think her annoyance at Latrice was warranted. I think it likely stems from the fact that the Korean dance industry seems to have a more serious tone than the western industry. Latrice definitely earned the main dancer position, but at the end of the day, I think that Redlic’s choreography should have been chosen. I feel like the main reason Kiersten didn’t win Main Dance in the Leader class is because of how she individualizes any choreography she dances too, even during the auditions you could see how she’d change some moves to suit her style. It looks amazing while she dances individually but if the dance were to be performed her way in a group setting it would offset the balance of the group because she would overpower everyone.