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Edit 1: This build has been re-uploaded due to issues with the code for job payment increases in Club B and The Little Land Nursery. This has now (fingers crossed) been fixed. Thank you malus for bringing this to my attention ^_^

Hey everyone, and welcome to a regular Patreon build. This current build is currently at  540,590 words, and 916 passages, so about 8k words, however, there's a lot of coding in there (and I lost word count by removing old systems that were obsolete). The build is mostly aimed towards getting the new outfit/underwear system up and running, along with adding a few new character descriptors.

I'd also like to take this moment to give a big thank you to; HiEv, Kevin Smarts, Echo Hollow, and TheMadExile. All of who were amazing at helping me with advice for coding the new apparel system, and who's names have been added to the thank you page ^_^

The main content is; The updated apparel system and the new character descriptors.

1/ The updated apparel system - all outfits and underwear now have descriptions, images, types (which are used for identifying how people will react to them), and a bunch of more minor information. Going forward, this will mean that I can give both much more detailed information about the various apparel items, along with factoring them into jobs and scenes much more fluidly. This also means a much prettier wardrobe page, and a more detailed clothing section in the examine page. (Currently the clothing/underwear images are in production, so stand-in images exist instead, but this will hopefully soon be remedied)

2/ The new character descriptors - all characters now have stats for; shoulder width, hip size, muscles and weight. Shoulder width and hip size will mostly be used in conjunction with feminizing/masculine-izing transformations, but are also there for people who want to produce more effeminate male characters (or amazonian proportion feminine ones). Meanwhile, the weight and muscles stats are more there to give a general feel for your characters physique that currently wasn't covered by the game. I know some people are really into these things, so I wanted to offer then the choice. I'll soon be adding in new ways to interact with all these stats (and factoring them into the intro), though for the time being they are at the default average values and cannot be changed legitimately in game.

Other additions include; The big new (commissioned) ABDL Hannah and player get sent to the nursery route is complete, there's a new (commissioned) diaper based scene with Ashley (50% chance if the player is wearing a diaper and asks her for sex), all the diaper detection in the game has been updated to handle the new underwear system (so I can add new ones without it breaking the game), the gallery has been updated with 6 new images (some of which were included in the last build, but not in the game), there's some general bug fixes and finally the ABDL jobs and the Club B jobs have all had clothing factored into the final payouts

(A lot of ABDL content in this weeks build, next weeks is planned to be much more balanced. This is just the content that I've been working on)

In terms of polled content, the winning minor scene poll result is the naked all-female band encounter, whilst this months winning art poll is the sore bummed player character in front of the white board (along with the subsequent submissiveness training option). I'll be adding the new minor scene poll and the new art poll sometime over the next few hours.

Note: This build has a number of coding changes, both for outfits and for how those outfits are detected. The massive amount of major coding changes scattered about the game may cause unforeseen bus. If you find any other bugs then please tell me and I'll deal with them as soon as possible. Sorry everyone.

Change Log:

- New outfit template with much more detailed outfit information

- New underwear template with much more detailed underwear information

- Massive update to the players in-game wardrobe to factor in the new apparel changes

- Players can now examine their apparel items in their wardrobe

- The examine window has been updated for the new outfit and underwear templates

- New hip size stat (with corresponding code functions)

- New shoulder width stat (with corresponding code functions)

- New weight stat (with corresponding code functions)

- New muscles stat (with corresponding code functions)

- All new character stats have been updated into the examine windows player description

- (commissioned) Completed the ABDL Hannah path where both the player and Hannah get sent to the nursery (it's pretty long)

- (commissioned) Players who wear a diaper and ask Ashley (the exhibitionist trainer) for sex now have a 50/50 chance of getting a diaper based scene where she humiliates the player whilst getting them off.

- Updated the gallery for six new images (3 by Silverjile, 3 by Lilyblax)

- Updated the new images throughout the game

- Updated Club B and the Little Land Nursery, to now pay out players for wearing job appropriate clothing and underwear (or the lack thereof in some instances)

- Created and added two placeholder outfit images

- Fixed a bug in the first time diapering scene with ABDL Hannah

- Updated so many diaper detection code snippets ... so many ...

- Big bug fix on Club B and The Little Land Nursery payout systems (thank you malus)

- Additional pronoun detection

- A bucket-load of new variables added

- A few minor bug fixes 

Hope you have fun :) 


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