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edit: Poop, I forgot to make the poll multiple choice...well, just vote for the option you most use, or lemme know in the comments if you use multiple. Woops! >_>

With a screen. Duh! Haha lol so funny...

But seriously, which method do you use when viewing my longer animations (not the animated gifs)? I figure it's been a long time since I asked this, so it's time to find out how I should be making my animations, and what kind of devices I should bear in mind while making them. 

 If it turns out 99% of people only watch the videos, then I guess I don't have to worry about keyboard / mobile inputs any more XD If I've not included a method that you use to view my animations, or have other information you want to include, let me know in the comments!

This is merely an information gathering exercise, and I have no plans to change how I publish my animations (ie I'll always offer video and HTML5 files for as long as HTML5 files are supported).

Hana's first animation will hopefully be finished in the next 2 days or so, so look out for that. :) TTFN!



All on options number/s

John Cabral

I watch on my Nintendo switch

Jetro barns

Personally I watch the videos because I don’t have a computer at the moment so I always appreciated how you made video versions


Desktop because it runs best on there

draco flame

Sometimes I watch them on the phone if I'm away from the computer, but for the most part it's on the computer.

Pablo Rodriguez

Try to work them on mobile but really it’s either video or desktop


recorded I save. but most of the time I play the HTML5 animations on Microsoft edge


Same I don’t own a laptop so I can’t download them. I just watch them all ready recorded.

Ryan LaChance

i watch the vids on mobile and play the animations on pc


HTML5 is cool because of the interactivity, it sets your work apart from other artists

Martijn Kösters

I don't know what's causing it, but the animations give me terrible lag. So I default to the videos.


The main reason I bought a new computer was to record video at 4k, because my old computer couldn't handle 30fps 1080p recording XD It was worth the investment, and means most of my videos are future proof for a good few years (until 8k becomes the standard...)


Yeah, I wish there was a magic function I could activate to make them work better on phones, but alas, it's not something I'm able to do >_> One day, someone will figure out a solution!


Due to how the HTML5 files export from my software, they're not optimised very well, so lag is very common I'm afraid, regardless of device or hardware. You can even see lag in some of the videos I record, and I have a pretty good PC! I suspect upgrading to a 4090 or whatever won't mitigate the lag, either XD

Zacherya of Locknom

i mostly watch the videos cuz they dont work well on my phone and i dont get to use my PC often enough