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To new patrons: I am technically on hiatus, but I intend to publish at least three Deluxe animations this month, so stay tuned! Feel free to get in contact via DM if you would prefer a refund!

Heyo, folks! Sure has been quiet without me sending a thousand emails your way, huh? I hope you enjoyed the time away from my Patreon spam. :)

Have I been resting? Nope—I've been working away on Part 1 of Jessie's Deluxe animation, which should be completed for tomorrow at the latest. As I was midway through making this animation, I found out that a software feature that had not worked for a long time now suddenly works, which means I can start doing more...well, you'll see for yourself tomorrow. 

But this realisation delayed the animation, because I was (and am) putting in some extra details to scenes to flesh them out in ways I wish I could have done before. I think it will be worth the wait. :)

Anyway, back to work. See you tomorrow!






I'm back and late! (Had to take a break). I just want to say I really liked the implementation where you can selectively choose which expansions happen. (Like for example for this one I can have the pregnancy expansion, without the breast and waist expansions.) I hope to see it more, but I understand how it can be difficult to work around.


Up until recently, having all the expansions be separate and also have these expansions have individual reactions would have been extremely complicated and messy to make. But after a recent discovery, I can make them with much less difficulty, although they will still be complicated to construct, because if I don't test carefully, the animation could break very easily XD Going forward, I will try to incorporate such expansion options for all animations, because letting the player choose the sizes they like is much more fun than a linear expansion. Unless patrons vote for a story idea that doesn't require an expansion scene like this one, look forward to more of them in future animations!


I think you’re doing an amazing job personally, you’re always trying to try something new and it shows! (It’s a daunting task trying to please everyone, either by encompassing a majority aspects to one project, or focusing on a aspect per project. I wouldn’t personally know tho 😅)


Thanks! It's tricky, and getting trickier, but with this type of expansion sequence, where people can pick and choose what they want expanded, hopefully it'll get easier to please everyone XD