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I realised that a non-birth edit of the Zoe birth pic would be relatively easy, and I was (sort-of) right! So for all non-birth fans, here's Zoe doing yoga while pregnant. Enjoy!

Irrelevant Note: For some reason, I used to spell yoga as "joga". Not sure why I thought it had a j in it. 




Could we get the birth version in the same resolution? It seems to be lower for some reason.


Huh! So Patreon compresses images if I put them in the main body of the post. Didn't know this! I have attached the larger resolution image to the Zoe birth post, so download that for the full resolution image! Dang, now I should check the other birth gifs / images, see if those are all low resolution too... Thanks for the heads-up!

Chris Wreker

Man she really makes it work.