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For an idea as to what I got up to last month, visit February's schedule >>> February Updates / Schedule (New Patrons, Start Here!)

If you're a Deluxe patron or above, check out the list of Patreon Deluxe animations >>> Patreon Deluxe master list

Time Marches on...

Two years today, my Patreon launched! Huzzah! I spent the first week in catatonic terror it would fail, but instead now I get to wear comfy onesies and animate pretty ladies making bad choices. It's a good life. ¦3

Current plans: finish up the Deluxe for Dexter's mom (hopefully before the 10th!) > post polls for next animated pin-up > animated "Is This Yours?" Part 2 > start animating next pin-up > also do a bunch of sketches and more birth art for "Duesday"

Yikes, plenty of art projects to keep me busy! On the subject of sketches, I just bought a new drawing tablet, so hopefully that'll give the sketch quality a nice boost. Hopefully it's not destroyed in the mail... *Imagines a box of broken glass* 

I am also considering a hiatus in June, but that depends on how I feel when the time comes. I'll have decided by May, probably! 

That's enough outta me. Back to the animating! 

Schedule (dates may change due to me being finicky with art): 

* Dexter's Mom "A Better Pill To Swallow" Part 2

* Animated Gif—Lucoa Patreon Deluxe Walking Cycle

* New Regular Feature—"Duesday"! Animated Gif—Mt Lady Deluxe Birth

* Ms. Bellum Story Suggestion Post

* Duesday—Dexter's Mom Birth Gif 

* April Animated Pin-up Character Suggestion Thread—Suggest your waifus!

* Dexter's Mom Patreon Deluxe

* Sketch Tier Sketch—I-No (Guilty Gear Strive)

* An apology for the Dexter's Mom Patreon Deluxe

* Ms. Bellum—Animated Pin-up Story Poll

* Duesday—Rihanne Birth Sketch (Full Piece At Bottom Of Post)

* "Is This Yours?" Ep. 2 Will Be Posted Tomorrow!

* "Is This Yours?" Pregnancy Transfer Series—Episode 2

* Runner-up Animated Gif—Ogasan

* Plans for the Ms Bellum Animated Pin-up

* Sketch Tier Sketch—Luna, Stranded On A Sofa

* Duesday—"A Suitable Host" Patreon Deluxe (Finally In Video Form!)

* Ms Bellum—Pregnancy Expansion Animation

* "Is This Yours?" Episode 3—What Happens Next?! (Poll has ended)

* "Is This Yours?" Episode 3—Who Does Fawn Meet?!

* Animated Gif—Evangelyne Wakfu Belly Rub

* Sketch Tier Sketch—Max Caulfield (Life Is Strange)

* Duesday—Quickie Looping Animated Gif Janet Clothes Birth

* Ms. Bellum "Powerpuff Bellum" Patreon Deluxe Part 1 (HTML5 + MP4)

* Sketch Tier Sketches ( Three to be posted throughout the month )

* Animated Pin-up Poll ( March Animated Pin-up—Vote for a waifu for me to animate! )

* ???


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