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Edit: fixed a problem with Part 3! Redownload / replay if you've ended up freezing the animation!

Part 2 File >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/pasteurisedpart2 

Password >>> upttomytitsisfine

Part 2 File With Password Embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/pasteurisedpart2?password=upttomytitsisfine 

Part 3 File >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/pasteurisedpart3 

Password >>> wantcookieswithmymilk

Part 3 File With Password Embedded >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/pasteurisedpart3?password=wantcookieswithmymilk 

MEGA 4k Compiled Video >>> https://mega.nz/file/tQISTLyS#3VUfvCM-cmcuNf9AVGkj-DTNyyheRhJpIPHycHWh2tE 

MEGA 1080p Compiled Video >>> https://mega.nz/file/ZcAUSBIT#4H4b4kUj4ym-wi03dMbkZqodRsix0D7IAu-uo3rzLbU 

YouTube link (For the first part only, parts 2 & 3 are too explicit) >>> https://youtu.be/xjK26p8DaVE 

Annie gives her eldritch hair a stern talking to for what they did to her. Did they listen to her? Or did they make things worse? 

Here you go, all three parts are available for viewing! Apologies for cutting it up into separate HTML5 files, but the lag was intolerable when it was all in the same file. In fact, it still lags even when split up. I wonder if I'm making these things wrong... *sweats*

The MEGA links are all three videos are compiled together for handy viewing, so if the disjointed nature of switching from one file to another annoys you, perhaps give those a try.

And that's my last post for this year. 2020 was a bit shit, but 2021 can't be worse! R-right?! H-ha ha ha... Seriously though, thanks for your support through these trying times and I wish you a Happy New Year! :D

(Psst? Did you find the secret ending? Hmm, I wonder how that is found... Just click a lot and look for a reaction :3) 




Uhhh... I might be a bit slow... but I clicked everywhere and didn't get anything... could I get a hint please?? Also, great job with this one!! This was some quality work!!


it freezes if you click on her stomach and wait and hit next when you have to find a source of milk


Oh whoops! I see the problem! Refresh the page, you shouldn't be able to click on her belly there ;__; Also, a belly isn't a source of milk! But good on you for clicking on it anyway lol


That was great! I like properly big more than unrealistic proportions (though your last poll showed I was in the minority), but that was incredible. And Janet looks so sweet in these animations. Something about her is so enthralling.

Jon Finn6

This was prefect


Haha no worries, usually a belly click does something so I understand. It was just in this particular case that I was meant to disable it. You did nothing wrong :)

Richard Handy

Very cute ending, secret included. Janet is sort of becoming your mascot character it seems. Anne's final size is sure to please all the expansion fans around here.


I'm curious, is Annie an original character? Whats the deal with her hair?


Annie is an original character belonging to a patron, and her hair is a curse from childhood. It's semi-sentient hair that acts as a physical subconscious, meaning any subconscious desires she has (wishing the drink was tastier), the hair will try to fulfil (make that drink tastier with preggy chemicals).


Thanks, i figured it was some sort of demon or familiar that's required to do as she asks but has a lot of leeway(and desires of its own) in how it goes about it.

Plump Artificer

Hmm, have you tried exporting them as interactable swf files? Another pregnancy animator, Lusty, has been converting her animations to swf since Flash died, and they run pretty smooth.


My software does not allow for me to export to SWF, I would love to do so just to provide more options to people but alas, SWF is an Adobe exclusive format. :( Also, Lusty's animations have always been in SWF format XD You may have noticed this before though, because you never downloaded them.