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As "Vitamin P" won by a "small" margin (it had 25% more votes than second place XD), Zoe will have to try and figure out which pills are the right ones to take...I wonder if she can manage it? *smirk* 

I'm going to make a slight change though: instead of her trying to intentionally get the pregnancy over with quicker, I'll make it a pregnancy denial situation. You'll still get your tum content, but Zoe might be slower than you to realise her condition. I don't do enough pregnancy denial, so I think it will be interesting! 

I'm divvying up the content as below: 

Normal Animation ( Now > 25th - 26th Nov ): Pregnancy expansion (with denial throughout), plus two tum scenes after expansion (with interactivity for at least one of them)

Deluxe ( Once Normal is posted > 30th Nov - 1st Dec ) : A hyper-pregnancy expansion (with denial, but in a different form), plus another scene with different effects (not final but might include: lactation, sudden pants birth, sudden orgasm, thigh expansion, maybe more / less depending on time) 

If I can make it as I'm imagining it, it should be a fun animation! In the meantime, have a sketch of Okusan (from the comic Okusan) I'm working on. She will probably end up with a see-through nightie and some other changes (I need to make her look more like Okusan for starters > _ > ), hopefully it will be done before the month's end. For now, TTFN!


Richard Handy

Your sketch work is very intriguing when compared to your animated stuff.


Yeah, a few folks have mentioned it's weird to see me draw by hand after seeing all the vector stuff lol. It's not as crisp as the vector stuff but it's okay! I need to do it more or I'll really get out of shape with it @_@