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And the winner of the 2nd poll was an obscure character from way back last year, Jessie! Finally, she gets another chance in the spotlight...and it's being made pregnant again. And giving birth again before she intended to. Welp. I hope she has a baby seat in her car...

I think I'll start planning out the Mercy animation now, so unfortunately this series of gifs will be just two. Apologies! But if the Mercy animation is coming along way faster than I expected, I'll make another gif from one of the choices in the poll, perhaps one of the lesser popular characters. I'll plan out the gif as I plan the Mercy animation, just in case this is possible. Maybe it could be a simpler gif of belly movement, perhaps of someone who stayed in the pool a bit too long...hmm! We'll see!

See you soon with some Overwatch goodies! 



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