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Rihanne Animation \u2014 Choose A Story!

  • Aromapregnancy 57
  • Time Mom 100
  • Disbelief 19
  • Mayternity 96
  • 2020-05-15
  • —2020-05-21
  • 272 votes
{'title': 'Rihanne Animation \\u2014 Choose A Story!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Aromapregnancy ', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Time Mom', 'votes': 100}, {'text': 'Disbelief ', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Mayternity', 'votes': 96}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 21, 22, 59, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 15, 12, 48, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 272}


As the title suggests, vote on which scenario you wish for my OC Rihanne to star in! Rihanne seems to end up with magical pregnancies due to errant wishes, but I've introduced a few other ways of pregnancies that don't directly involve candles. Have a read through the synopses and see which of them are the most tantalising. :3

These are a mixture of my ideas and some ideas from patrons. In some cases, I have either streamlined the idea for the sake of making it animatable (is that a word?) or tucked a patron idea into one of my own. If a scenario is not clear enough, please ask for further details!

BTW, there will be no story poll for Oga-san, as I've already got a clear idea of what to make and what it will look like. As a fan of the potato elf series myself, I think I'll do it justice! :)

If you have extra votes to use from your tier, lemme know where you want them to go in the comments below. 

Aromapregnancy — Rihanne finds some aromatherapy candles she bought a while back, and decides that a long soak in a scented bath would be a great way to spend her weekend alone. But it turns out the candles and bath salts were bought from the same shop her son's wish-granting candles were bought from, and have their own magical properties. Apparently the effects become stronger the longer a person sits in the water...

Time Mom — Darren is jealous of one of his friends who has older sisters who dote on the friend endlessly. Wanting some of that elder sibling action for himself, he wishes for older siblings. But, despite his wishing, nothing appears to change about his current life. Did they wishes not work? Actually, they did —unbeknownst to him, Rihanne's life is now filled with more pregnancies than before, and we flashback to see each of them: a sudden pregnancy during university, while being hired for a new job, while in hospital having just given birth to her son... (Deluxe would feature each sister coming home, each of them pregnant, and all of them smothering their little brother with love...and bellies) 

Disbelief — Darren tries to explain to his mother that his candles grant wishes, but she laughs it off, finding him adorable for believing such things. He runs off to his bedroom, fuming that his mother won't believe him. As she blows out the candle he lit, she says "Oh if I had another kid I'd wish for it to be just like him." Lo and behold, when she tries to stand up, she suddenly realises her wish has been granted...and before she can wish back to normal, the candle rolls away to a place she can reach with her new tum. As she struggles to get the candle, someone comes knocking at the door... (Deluxe would feature Rihanne wishing for another Darren, and she gets pregnant with a son the same age as Darren, or wishing Darren back into her womb) 

Mayternity — Rihanne's calendar marks May as being a special month: "Mayternity", where every day is a celebration of motherhood. Rihanne comments that she welcomes the month, and looks forward to being a mother every day, until the month ends. It turns out the calendar was listening: every day in May, she wakes up pregnant, and by the end of the day, has another baby. H-how many days were there in May again?


Tyler Hayman

Damn these are some tough choices


I'll give my second vote to "Disbelief"


Time mom sounds awesome, I'm putting all of my votes on that.

Ana Leigh Hamilton

I'll place all of my votes for Aromatherapy. I love me some influence via the environment or man-made creations.


All on time mom


Mayternity sounds hot, I wonder how big she's going to get by the end of May? Maybe bigger boobies?


I really want mayternity to win


Not really fond of Darren as a character, so Time Mom and especially Disbelief don't really appeal to me, but I guess Time Mom seems alright? (It's probably gonna win just on quantity of bellies alone.)


Yeah, I'm kinda thinking similar. Make the effects more direct without needing Darren to do anything. I'll have to do some brainstorming!


I'd like to change my second vote from Disbelief to Time Mom


Second vote also on Mayternity, if you please.


All on Time Mom please


Although it might be already the lost cause, I'll try anyway! So all my extra votes on Aromapregnancy, please :)