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Link to file >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dlxptmt 

Password >>> l8dnf63g466ddcv

Link to file with password embed >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/dlxptmt?password=l8dnf63g466ddcv 

MEGA (4k) >>> https://mega.nz/file/gI4wxKBA#RQIGVXNU5b8pY0C4F3s4RshfDAC3fswUGz0v_ksMPk8 

MEGA (1080p) >>> https://mega.nz/file/JNhi3SpY#UgAxkFXGg0esTE8dgC8YsQEr5eVLKVh2PSXNwkSWMS4 

Phew! Finally...

I won't bore you with the details, but there were Problems. Also, trying to do a birth and hyper-pregnancy scene in one animation was...not the best decision. Alas, regrets. Oh, and a note: she does not give birth while hyper-pregnant. Bestill thy inflamed imaginations! 

But I hope you enjoy the Deluxe nonetheless! Let me know if you encounter any problems! Time to get to work on sexy Bess times. TTFN!



Mars Shadow

Huh. I can access this one but not the Normal animation. Patreon's tiering is weird.


If I introduce a new tier, old posts before that tier existed don't get given privileges to access older posts like the Normal one. So that means you'll come across situations like this, where some posts are locked off. Note that old posts rarely contain anything exclusive, and you're not missing anything from that Normal post (that animation has long gone public, and can be found on Itchio).


We never found out the father! It's Minoru isnt it?


"tsunamniotic fluid" OK, that was a brilliant one! :)

Joshua S

Would have loved to see her get expanded out of her uniform initially. Haha!


when is bess coming then?


hello dim i am a huge fan but i treid to watch the birth animation and it wont work is there anyway to get buy this cause it wont let me watch it, it get to the bit when she bends down but then it freezes


never mind i got it to work


Ah okay, glad it worked in the end! But I do remember having trouble with this one myself, so let me know if you have any further trouble! :)


Does anyone have the decryption key for Mega? Any help would be great


Try the links again, they should work properly now. Sometimes Patreon breaks the link so it doesn't work right, but if you copy that entire line of text after the ! and paste it in your browser, it will work. Lemme know if you have any other issues!