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Here is something a little different from my usual content—some literature, based on animations I have done, or ideas for future animations! 

A patron by the name of Joe the Shmoe wrote up his idea for an animation featuring Ginny and Mimi (and a little Ruth), and as it's more a short story than a concept outline, I thought "Why not publish it as is?" Of course, this can still end up an animation in the future, but for now, you can read it as pure unadulterated text. I thought he captured Ginny and Mimi's characters well, especially considering that neither of them has had all that much screen time so far. Let me know if you think the same! 

Elsewhere, a writer by the name of Simplistic Odyssey wrote up their imagined continuation of the Lucoa / Quetzalcoatl animation, which picks up from the moment the Deluxe content ends. Plenty of NRG drinking and expansion for the entire Dragon Maid cast is contained therein! You can read that on their DA page, the link to which is here >>>  https://www.deviantart.com/simplistic-odyssey/art/Miss-Kobayashi-s-Dragon-Maid-One-Off-811156765  (If it's easier to read in an rtf document, I'll whip one up for you) 

If people like some side content aside from animations and the occasional image, then perhaps this could be a regular thing. Heck, if we end up with enough stories, I could format them into a tidy ebook file for ebook reading. A Dim Pixel anthology? Hmm, there's an idea. :3 Did I mention I used to write a long time ago? Maybe I could get back into that myself...

If you read them and would like some more, leave a comment! 



Really appreciate the shout out Dim! Part 4 is being finalized as we speak, so if anyone has any critique I would love to hear it!