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Link to file >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/samusranounothemo 

Password >>> s8md6FD2s

Link to file with password embedded >>>  https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/samusranounothemo?password=s8md6FD2s 

Samus Aran, winner of the last animated pin-up poll, is going through her normal space-adventure fighting-alien-creature days when an alert is triggered on the station she is in. Will she make it through unscathed? Who knows? Well...I know, but I'm not telling. :-< All I know is that it's not much of a "pin-up" any more, is it? I gotta remember to not get distracted by stories...

The full animated pin-up (and accompanying Deluxe) should be done by the time the poll for the Bess animation finishes up. See you then! 

Oh, and I haven't recorded a video for this, but if you would like one, let me know!



Chris Wreker

We need more Samus


The quality of this for a demo has been incredible so far. The different angles and points of view are a very nice touch. Even the little details like the tiny droplets of blood after the injection...good stuff man.


Ah thank ye. *blush* I find it easier and quicker to make lots of different angles rather than make one complicated picture and then try to do the whole animation from that one viewpoint. Sounds paradoxical, but it's working so far. And with multiple angles, who knows what's going to happen next. :D A part of me thinks that the future world of Samus would have needles that do not cause little punctures like that, or would even need needles...but I'm going to pretend otherwise. ;)

Joshua S

This looks like its going to be really good!

Chris Wreker

A video would be good.


Why do you want a video of the demo? You can just watch the full animation! The demo contains less content than the full episode of the Samus animation lol