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At the end of episode 6 of the Accidental Surrogate series, Janet has gone into actual labour. If only she counted her pills properly! So smart, and yet so dense at the same time...

So what happens next? The only thing that can happen—labour, and then birth. But how? When? If? (Not sure that last one is helpful...)

Here is my current thinking: in this episode, Janet will give birth to two of the babies, and then give birth to the other two in the last episode, which will also serve as the conclusion of the series. Then, in January, we can decide on a character for the next series, and the content of the first episode. But we can talk about that more when the time arrives.

For now, I want you to ruminate on this: Annie is trying to get Janet to the hospital (or somewhere else?), but those babies won't wait. Where does she give birth to those two babies? Do those two babies get born in the same place, or in different locations? Maybe one baby gets born in the car as Annie rushes to the hospital...maybe another is born as Annie leads Janet  to her car...If you want Janet to give birth in a hospital, fine with me, but that's a bit boring imo...

Other ideas not directly related to birth are welcome, but those will become Deluxe options if they win / come in as runner-ups in the poll. Some ideas will be vetoed if they have next-to-no bearing on what is happening. It depends on how I feel! XD I am aware that not everyone is into birth, so I'll definitely do some other Deluxe content alongside the birth, such as more expansion. 

So leave your thoughts—Janet is actively giving birth to the babies. But how? And where?  I'll use the two highest voted options to decide where the two babies are born (and maybe another as a Deluxe if another idea seems very interesting :3).

ps: don't worry about how a pregnant woman can move to a different location after giving birth to one baby. I'll figure out a way to make it vaguely plausible 8-)




Janet is still growing larger just at a slower rate, Annie knows the babies won't fit through now and runs to the twins for an elasticity drug. She comes back, gives Janet pills and leads her to the car, she gives birth to one baby in parking lot and another in the car on the way to twins hospital.


Uh, what happens to the babies that come out before they get to the hospital? Lol. Personally, I'd like this episode to be the finale of the series. I love Janet, but we've been with her since early this year. It'd be nice to start up a new story next month.


For convenience, we'll just say that the pills she's taken so far have already blessed her with the elasticity effect. They sure will be big babies!


Annie straps the babies to her and carries them, as Janet struggles onwards? Something like that... If enough people want this to be the last episode, I can do that too! It is absolutely an option. If you are one of those people, leave a comment or ♥ my / R3sonance's comment!


Even though I voted for polyhydramnios and actual winner was babies multiplication, I REALLY loved fetal macrosomia (i. e. bigger babies) in Deluxe content of episode Accidental Surrogate 3. So IMHO Janet will continue to birth babies: 1st on their way to hospital in Annie's car, 2nd on hospital parking lot, 3rd in elevator and 4th FINALLY in maternity ward. Main inconvenience is Janet's ongoing constant growing: 1st baby will be slightly bigger for newborn (considering her yo-yo growing and shrinking belly size), 2nd will be about size of 12-18 months old infant etc. so final baby will be somewhat titanic for newborn. PS: me also thinks if mighty dr. Hertze would be on duty in maternity ward it's gonna be hilarious :)


Janet Peter Smyth didn't just grow a gigantic baby belly, she grew two huge hindenbergs to feed them with, so that's what she'll do feed two babies while struggling with the two inside, she is a multitasker by the way.


I'm totally down for giving some more focus to those badonkers she's hauling around.


Dr. Hertze definitely needs to be on staff then. Lol


I have a funny idea for her labour ^^ The kids want to come out, so they "fight" inside Janet's womb to see who'll come out first xD Anyway the first kid will come out in the restaurant in front of all the customers, Annie and Janet will cover him/her in a "take away" paper and they'll enter in the car. While they're on the way to the hospital they'll casually meet Janet's daughter and her friends (yeah the orange hair pervert too) and Janet will give birth to the second baby in front of them. Too ashamed by what happened, Janet's daughter will enter the car to go away, and while she's in it maybe she will take in her arms the two kids while her mom continue to push, maybe she will even think that they're cute ^^ And I'll stop for the first two for now.


Mmh, well just to be sure I'll write my thought also for number three and four. After the birth of the first two they will arrive to the twins clinic only to find out that they're not here because they have another special delivery somewhere else. To find another doctor they'll go to Rihanne house that will suggest them a doctor, but while they're in Rihanne's house, Janet will give birth to the third baby in front of Rihanne's son. In the end they will arrive to the clinic of the perv fetal movements doctor where Janet will give birth to the last and biggest baby. Done! ^^


Nice! The kids fighting is funny, but I'm not sure I'll have time for it. I will bear it in mind, though! Same for Janet's daughter / the pervert: I haven't made them in my software yet (the shame!), which takes a bit of time. If I can squeeze in a cameo (Ginny Peter-Smyth really deserves an appearance by now), I'll do it.


The babies get bigger with each delivery is a good idea, plus it will let Janet keep her belly size, so people will be happy despite the fact the pregnancy is ending XD Maybe Dr Hertze offers to catch the last baby and Hertze his back due to the weight of the child. I'll see if I can cram that creep into the animation at the end...


Perhaps we coould incorporate an x-ray view with this?