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 Link to demo >>> https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rismmdos

 Password >>> 0ppa1k4nn0n!

What do you think? Personally, I'm not quite sure... She has a strange character design that looks wonky when I try to copy it exactly. Perhaps her face could be a bit longer? Hmm. I'll keep working on it! I'll definitely make her hair a bit longer, too. 

Big fan of Rias? Let me know what you think! All crits are welcome. :D




Did you base her face off of the anime? If you did her design is best in the first few seasons


I usually go from anime production references if I can find them, and I did so here but her design doesn't quite translate into my style so well. Her face is quite stretched, and when I attempt it, it looks wrong. I'll keep looking at clips until I find the right balance, though! :D


Password is not working


I double checked it and it's definitely right. Try this link instead: https://dimpixelanimations.itch.io/rismmdos?password=0ppa1k4nn0n!


I think ultimately it's the hair. I've not seen the series myself, but google searching and looking at art (to which I'm hoping is official, looks it) Rias seems to have a fair amount of hair emphasis. Looking at her face and her outfit, I think she looks like the character quite a bit. But her hair might be the missing piece as all the official stuff seems to have her hair emphasize the rest of her. The heavy shading of her hair compliments her dark outfit while the draping, branching reds also softly transition to her skirt. So I think her shading is as much a part of her design as everything else is. Her eyes could also perhaps look sharper. Pointier. The hair in between her eyes could also be inverted, to form a sort of x. Using this as a reference: https://assets-jpcust.jwpsrv.com/thumbnails/ie95h23a-720.jpg


Funnily enough, the cross-hair part is in there, I just kept messing with the hair layers and it ended up vanishing. I'll make sure to make it more clear in the final version. Also, don't forget that the server is live if you want to join in puerile conversations! Follow the instructions here to find your Discord invite: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-