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Click to see demo (includes stash link in description) >>>  https://comv.itch.io/ivfsfdm <<

Password >>> chika#ARNOLD+brenn

Super early demo! Plenty of work left to be done, but this is the "main event" of the file, so to speak. How did you like it? Was it what you were expecting? What else would you like to see? I'm still pondering what else to do here, and I have an idea that might be fun... :3 I wanted to release another demo as I realised I hadn't given the DemoVee tier something for a while now. Sorry, dudes! I promise to have demos of some kind for everything from now on, including that pin-up. You are not forgotten!

In an attempt to make this demo easier for mobile users to use, I've set aside a portion of the window exclusively for buttons. Instead of having buttons hidden all over the screen, this side will now be a "remote control", which changes depending on what needs doing. On my phone, it works, but the file is still too big to be seen properly on my small screen. I might try to implement a resize button at the very start of the animation, so the file can fit easily (if somewhat stretched / squashed quality wise) on any screen. Let me know how the remote control works for you! (And yes, never again will I do a square animation. What a bad idea that was...)

That's it, I think. Will be back with another post soon, this time containing a poll. BRB!

edit: on second thought, I will begin the first poll for the pin-up on May 1st. It's a bit awkward to start a poll so close to the end of the month. Sorry for the confusion / changing of mind!



Did you know ivf have higher chance of getting multiples per egg. So she could get more then just twins XD. Iys bot like i want to see our Janet Peter Smyth grow bigger psssh what gave you that idea.


Yes, this is true. Also, twins or multiples are more likely the older the woman is (say, Janet's age). And in IVF, the older the woman is, the more likely they would use extra eggs (depending on the quality of the eggs, more than two may be used). Lots of potential for "growth" here. :)


Just to clarify, will there be actual pregnancy content in this one? You mentioned that this demo is the "'main event.'"


I did say this was the main event, but more things will happen before and after this section, so no fear! She will be visibly pregnant, but not hugely pregnant. I also want to try out a slightly different method of pregnancy expansion. I think it will be interesting. :) Think early pregnancy tum, just beginning to show and enough to make old clothes not fit right.

Amelia Redfern

Aaaaaaaah yeah! And two eggs might mean a a good baby bump! And janet is still quite clueless preggo wise. I cant wait to see how she grows and what she does!


As to how clueless she is, I might leave that to a poll. Does she in fact realise she's pregnant this time? Or does she continue on obliviously? I'll wait until I've finished before deciding for sure. I'm curious as to what patrons suggest should happen next. :o


I don't entirely understand the premise so far - and I recognize it's left very open for polls/participation as the series goes on. But, is she volunteering to surrogate? Is this a true mix-up (did the doctor mean to IVF someone else)? Or did the doctor do this on purpose (related to Mark maybe lol)?


This is an accidental IVF procedure, one that could only happen with my highly-advanced completely-stupid writing techniques. :) The beginning of the animation will reveal how such a misunderstanding is possible, and also some really dumb jokes. Par for the course, basically.