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Hey everyone, we're approaching the final week of October, and I wanted to announce that there won't be another round of Monthly Character Art for November. I've been consistently trailing behind on commissions, and I don't want bring this backlog into 2024 (which is exactly where things are headed, given my current pace). Additionally, I'm not quite where I would like to be in regards to preparations for home expenses, quarterly taxes, etc.

So instead, I'm going to keep comms open all the way through November. The extra time will prove essential for me, as it will allow me to finally make some serious head-way for my few remaining clients who have been on-hold for far too long. Plus, I imagine this won't be TOO much of an inconvenience, as people can still order artwork of the character(s) they want to see.

On top of this, I came to be aware of what appears to be a done-deal shadowban on my Twitter account. For plenty of people who try to find my work (whether as a follower or not), my posts are being removed from people's feeds and my own art threads as well. I'm not really one to chase numbers for a viral post or anything, but when my stuff is being suppressed to the point of practical-deletion, it's going to be a huge hit to my ability to stay self-employed. If things go belly-up, you can find me on bluesky. I'll keep this account mostly idle until it's time to make the switch off of Twitter, whenever that may be.

And even after all of that, there was a death in my family. I haven't yet set aside the proper time to grieve, given the work schedule I adhere to. I will be attending the funeral in the coming days ahead, and will hopefully be of sound-mind when I return to do more work. This isn't me saying I've been overworked by you, it's just the reality that being self-employed means I am completely responsible for whatever time I allocate away from generating income. Even for something like this, unfortunately. I'll be honest... this one hit hard, and it was the last-straw decision as to why I have canceled November's Monthly Art.

Still, I understand that this is all a rather large favor of me to ask, which is why I want to say that sometime into November, I will be opening limited slots for backers to submit OCs for the 31 Days of OC Christmas for 2023. I originally started this tradition as a way to celebrate my fellow artists' characters on Twitter, but ever since the first year, people have been asking me how to join. I figure there's no better time than now to open the gates. I'll keep it open only to a specific tier, splitting 15 slots here and 15 over on the other FakeryFund platform --I'll figure something out for the 1 (or more) left over. Full transparency, this special, slotted tier will cost more than the Benefactor & Financier tiers, given that I'll be drawing 31 full-color works.

Lastly, I want to thank you all for supporting me so far. I try not to make things too personal with FakeryWay, but there's no denying the effect this has all had on my ability to maintain course. I was hoping for a simpler last few months this time around, but a lot of things have slowly gotten out of control. I am very grateful for your continued patience.

Thank you all for understanding, I hope these new plans going forward suit you well.

- FakeryWay