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This month was an absolute doozy. Losing a week to those internet troubles was a huge setback, and I had to take care of a LOT of other IRL concerns as well. Couple that with me trying some new approaches to the Monthly Art by going for a comic style with a new rendering style, and it's a wonder that I managed to finish this set at all this month.

And yet, I had a lot of fun when I actually got to this! I probably won't be going this hard again next time around (famous last words...), but it was an enlightening experience for me. I think I have a stronger understanding for comic structure now, as well as my technical process for higher quality art.

Anyway, I'll be swinging open comms soon! First up: I gotta catch back up with the clients who have been VERY patient with me during this time.




did you mean to put "the most place in all the Realms"? I thought you'd go with the most "happening" place or if you wanted to be on the nose "magical" place

Aggron black

Take all the time you need.