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Hey there, everyone. I recently just got done doing my taxes, and it's not looking pretty (I'm talking $6,000 "not pretty"). So I'm kinda scrambling to hire some professional insight --and getting the money too! But that's not all, I still have other financial concerns right around the corner (student loans, rent, MORE taxes, etc.).

At this rate, it'd just be irresponsible to keep going this month only focusing on Sampson & Jewel. So, I'm going to be pushing back the promised delivery of the next chapter. At the very least, some critical edits and revisions have been already addressed, so it's not a total bust.

In the meantime, I'll be reopening commissions again very soon! Just gonna go full-focus on what's overdue, and then open up for the rest of ya.

Sorry for the ever-shifting schedule! I hope you understand.



I saw the announcement on Twitter and immediately came to join. Hope your situation gets better, I hope to help more when you open commissions!


You have my support, all the way. “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!” - Philip J. Fry