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Happy New Year!

As mentioned in my last post, I'm going to be implementing more focus on the Sampson & Jewel story, starting this month.

However, I will be NOT axing the Monthly Fanart or Remakes. Instead, I will simply be reorganizing their schedules. Currently, I want to keep remakes in their bimonthly slots, as the opening they allow in my output for commissions is invaluable. So instead, I will rescheduling the Fanart's placement.

Here are the 2 prevailing ideas I have in mind:

  • 1. Sampson & Jewel chapter every other month, with Monthly Fanart completed along with it (2 images max), (S/J & Fanart>Remake>repeat)
  • 2. Fanart stays the same (full 4 image set), only every THREE months, (S/J>Fanart>Remake>repeat)

Of course, if you happen to have any additional suggestions of your own, let me know in the comments below!

Here's to another great year of art!



Do you think doing a chapter of them both every month would be exhausting?


Right now, I'm not too sure. I probably could do chapters more frequently, but for now, I'm gonna play it conservative and take it easy on my expected responsibilities. I could always flex the load upwards later in the year