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In light of financial challenges ahead, I plan to bring the 10 and 15% Commissions Discounts for Sponsors and Benefactors down to 5 and 10%. As a replacement for this, I'll be rolling out new benefits to those tiers.

Sponsors will be able to vote on the upcoming series pieces that BigBeanPole and I will work on. The next one is already in the works (posting soon!), but when the time comes for the next production, we'll open up a selection of IPs for you to choose from.

Benefactors will be able to contribute their OCs to the Monthly Art every 3 months. There was a lot of positive reception to the opportunity with May's Monthly Art, so I think bringing this back on a regular basis is something the people would like. Additionally: The Top 3 Runner-Up Characters in each Monthly Poll will have their sketches colored! Just a little something extra in the meantime between the OC Participation events.

I realize it's a big deal for me to ask for more of your money, so I hope this deal sounds worth it for my affected patrons. Admittedly, it's rather intimidating relying solely on my art to pay my bills, so I don't feel fully-confident in continuing with the way things are for now. I want to keep The FakeryFund thriving as I transition into a full-time career, so I hope you'll understand my case.

- FakeryWay


Sir FancySwank

This is your career. So by all means adjust your prices and stuff as needed. I do think you offering more value for the average patron with these changes anyway. I don't really see much issue with the discount reduction.