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Whther I'm ready or not, FakeryWay is now my fulltime job. If things go well, it will stay that way.

There's a lot of uncertainty on the road ahead of me, but with 10 more hours a day, 5 more days a week, there's nothing but open opportunities for more greatness ahead. I want to thank you all for helping me get myself established and prepared for this day.

Please allow me some time to adjust to this new lifestyle, we'll be hitting the ground running in no time.



Angel Hernandez

Take your time, get a strategy that can be added upon if things need to change, and make sure to not burn yourself out. Stay safe and Keep Up the good work.

Sir FancySwank

Best of luck to ya. I have no doubt that you can make a great career from your art


Best of luck.


Finally happened, eh? Hoping for the best going forward! I know you've got it in you to succeed


Thank you very much. I will be sure to prioritize approaching this as smartly as possible.