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I'm entering what seems to be the final phase of my ordeal that I've been facing for the past few weeks. The current focus is the matter of my employment with my day-job, which is a lot less up-in-the-air now. Before, I was facing what could have been a tumultuous overlap of no job AND no home; but now, I might have a stronger hold on the situation.

I've been crunching the numbers on whether or not I could afford to quit my job outright and just focus on this Patreon & commissions. And while it is DEBATABLE if that path can properly compensate the loss in income, the other deal where step away the two and concede to my day-job would be utterly unlivable. Having already been there BEFORE inflation, I'm fully confident in my assessment.

Best-case scenario: nothing changes and we resume business as usual!

Worst-case scenario: you'll be hearing from me a lot more often

As for The Poll Runner-Ups...

Moving away from all that: I want to call some attention to the April character polls as they draw to a close. Since we've received a total of 23 nominees, we're going to have a large gathering of runner-ups. In order to continue encouraging Patrons to submit and vote for characters, I am introducing Runner-Up Sketches!

Essentially, every character that made it to the final poll(s) is automatically eligible for a compensation sketch! I am quite confident in my ability to deliver on this task. Back on Twitter earlier this week, I was able to draw 30 characters of this quality in less than a single day (You can view that thread here). So it won't take long to deliver a runner-up pack after the completion of the Winning Character.

Moving forward, I will update the submission forms so you can preemptively select from the following list of portrait templates to place your nominee in. That way, you still have some agency to the depiction of your character if they end up losing.

Here are the templates, from 1-8:

The polls have already concluded by this point, so comment below with the character you nominated and the pose you want them in (ex: "Jewel, 6"). Any characters unaccounted for will have their poses chosen at random. While the poses are set in stone, I'll likely change the expressions around on a per-character basis, in accordance to the kind of attitude I read from their design.

As for how well this will synergize with the current poll structure, I'll have to test out the stress this will bring with our current batch of characters. Since none of this is in consideration to the reopening of commissions afterwards, I'll have to make sure I don't set myself up for burnout. I'll likely be returning to only one BONUS poll at a time.

Regardless, I'm really excited for how this new development will turn out for the FakeryFund's future!

Thank you!
FakeryWay ❤



Neera Li - Pose 7


Clover, Pose 6