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Devin's interest in a mysterious building in his hometown sets him on a very different path in life.




Surprise! Two stories in the shortest month of the year! My thoughts on the military are complicated but a uniform kink is a uniform kink. I hope you all enjoy it. By the way, yes, that is a real USMC recruiting slogan and poster (artwork by George Porter).


While I like the uniform kink I've gotta say it always kinda takes me out of it when your stories start involving wives/girlfriends you know? It's why my favourites always end up being the ones explicitly about guys being into guys.


Sure. I can't really apologize as I'm bisexual so I'm just as likely to have a wife someday as I am to have a husband, meaning both are hot to me. But I get it! I hope the three or four times the abstract concept of a wife was mentioned didn't ruin the story for you ;) But if it did, rest assured there will be plenty more man-on-man action coming.


Oh I'm certainly not expecting you to apologize. It was just something that really stuck out to me as I was reading is all, more so than in some of your other stuff. Probably directly because of the choice of subject in this story. Whole lot of heavy implications to the assumption/expectation of heteronormativity in the military you know?


Maybe I'm overthinking this too much. Sorry, if it's bothering you.


No that's all fair - I'm not bothered! It was definitely a purposeful swing in the other direction post-Ken. Different strokes, etc.


I suppose it's funny in that way how much our expectations end up differing. I read both this and Plaything back to back and if you had asked me to guess beforehand I definitely wouldn't have expected it to be the explicitly gay one.


Loved this story so much! Thanks for making another hit in so little time! Who doesn’t love a buff marine type!




Knocked this on outta the park, Son!