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Hello everyone... So I've got some bad news, yesterday while I was walking my dog I suddenly felt nauseated right when I was going upstairs on wet pavement, I felt dizzy and lost my balance and hit my right shoulder against one of the steps of the stairway, trying to get up I realized that lifting my right arm caused immense pain.

I've already gone to the hospital and it appears I have fractured my shoulder I asked my doctor about how much time I would be incapacitated and he couldn't give me a rough answer so most likely it's going to take sometime until I recover and can return back to work... even writting this is a major hassle with only my left arm, and I had the next animation pretty much all done to be released this week... so sorry everyone, hopefully I can come back right next week but if not I'll keep you guys updated with my situation



oh no! sorry to hear :( wishing for a speedy and safe recovery

Ki johnson

It’s fine. You are first in your journey. Always remember that. Never take your body for granted, we will be patiently awaiting your return ❤️ get well soon


Hey. Just take great care of yourself and heal. Cheers rays of sun and sparkles of stars

John Doadeer

. . . but why did you feel nauseated D: