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"Alright boys, time for our pre-game ritual. Drink up!" Coach says, handing out the shakes to each of his players. They all take a sip without questioning it, little did they know that this particular batch of protein powder contains an experimental compound designed specifically for muscle growth and a very potent one at that

As the game progresses and adrenaline pumps through their veins, the effects of the supplement begin to take hold. The players start feeling stronger than ever before, their muscles tense and bulge underneath their uniforms bursting and ripping through them as the game progresses. The now powerless opposing team and the crowd can only watch in disbelief as the once ordinary athletes transform into towering giants right before their eyes, but Coach remains focused on one thing: winning at all costs... even if it means turning his own team into hulking monsters!




His huge tits bouncing left and right, spraying eveything with his man milk~


Thanks. Football and muscle. Now I can die happy!!!