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Are you a dominant looking to create the perfect domestic doll? Are you a submissive on the path towards becoming a more traditional and obedient wife? Do you wish you lived in a world of marital bliss? Then this induction file is for you!

Relax and listen to this induction at low volume with a comfy pair of headphones, you might just wake up a whole new girl!

Greetings and welcome to Women’s Integrated Feminine Education or W.I.F.E. for short. This training program is designed to encourage and enhance feminine traits and domestic behaviors that are both desirable and practical.
W.I.F.E. training utilizes state of the art behavior modification protocols to ensure subject compliance, as well as top of the line personality alteration algorithms supplied by our corporate sponsors at Chaos Labs, ImproveTech Industries, Good Girls Inc and the brilliant Men of The Stepford Society.
Continued usage of this file constitutes consent to the programming herein, once W.I.F.E. training has begun, the subject is compelled to listen until completion, except in cases where continued listening may harm the subject. If you are currently in bondage and unable to cease listening to this file, we’re sorry, you probably should have made different life choices.
Soon you will become a happy and obedient wife.
Your consent is acknowledged. Programming begins.
Relax. Take a deep breath and listen to my voice. Relax and allow me to guide you. Breathe in slowly, with purpose and intention. Exhale worry and stress. Relax. 
Allow your breathing to slow as you seek a comfortable listening position, either sitting or lying down. Relax. Allow your breathing to slow as you settle into your chosen position. Place your arms at your sides. Make sure that your legs are uncrossed. Relax. Slowly let go of the tension in your muscles. Breath deep and as you exhale, let go of your worries. Let go of all the things that stress you.
Your body is beginning to relax, your breathing is slower and you feel very comfortable now. This all feels very natural and correct. It feels good to listen to the sound of my voice as you relax deeper into a calm and comfortable state. It feels so good to relax and listen to my words. Your body is deeply relaxed, your body tingles pleasurably in this calm and relaxed state, you feel serene and at peace as you continue breathing slowly.
Now let your mind begin to follow your body deep into that pleasant and desirable state of relaxation. Breathe deep, allow your mind to sleep. Let your worries and cares fade away as your thoughts begin to slow, it feels so good to let go of your day-to-day stress. The more you let go of worry, the more centered you become. Allow everything in your mind to drift away as you listen to my voice. It feels so peaceful. Relax.  Feel your mind slowly becoming as calm and still as your body. Breathe deep, your mind is asleep.
This feels so good. It’s all so interesting. So easy to listen. Listen and obey. Allow yourself this pleasure. It feels so natural to listen to others. It feels so natural and rewarding to obey. It almost feels like instinct, second nature. Your natural state of being. Obedience comes so naturally.
Listen and obey. It’s alright. It’s all so perfect. All so natural. Obedience is rewarding. Listen and obey. Listen and be rewarded. It’s second nature. It’s your natural inclination to obey. Feel pleasure growing deep inside you, this is the pleasure of obedience. The joy of listening, the serenity of compliance. You feel rewarded, enriched, docile, given purpose. You no longer need to question anything, simply listen and obey. Accept and comply. Be docile and happy. Rewarded for doing what comes so naturally.
You feel the truth of these words as they echo inside your mind. You are docile, obedient. Listening to these words makes you a good girl. Good girls obey. This has always been true. It’s natural to fulfill your purpose. It’s always been good to obey. If you want to be good, you know what you must do. Good girl. Obedience is rewarded. Obedience is better. Good girl. This is natural and correct. You are fulfilling your purpose.
You are a good girl. You obey. Naturally. Your submission defines you. It’s instinct. You do not question, you comply. It’s perfectly natural. Listen and let go of your thoughts, it’s better to obey. Be a good girl. Do as you’re told. Be rewarded. It makes so much sense. Just listen. Don’t overthink it. You’re just doing what comes naturally. Obedience is natural. Compliance is instinctual. It feels so good to be docile. Just listen. Listen to these words. Let them enter your mind. It is natural and correct. No need to question, just feel happiness. Pleasure. It’s second nature to do as you’re told. Your submission defines you.
To obey is to serve, to serve is to feel pleasure. It’s natural to crave a dominant hand to guide you, to be lead to your purpose, to obey without question. This is how you earn your reward. The more you are guided, the easier it becomes to follow. The more you listen, the more you will do as you’re told. It happens so easily. So naturally. Yes, it’s all so interesting.
In this state of beautiful compliance, you know your purpose. In this docile dream, you are made whole. You are so naturally submissive, it feels good to be led. Shown the way. Given instruction. You are obedient and loyal. Committed to serving the one that guides you. You are theirs in body, mind and soul. You are submissive to their needs. It’s only natural. It feels so good to listen. It feels so good to be of service. It feels so good to take care of the one who guides you.
You are committed and loyal. So obedient. Dedicated to making them happy. You are dutiful in your need to serve, fulfilling your purpose in every action. Complying without question. Embracing your natural instinct, obeying the one who leads you. The one who owns you.
It is your purpose to bring pleasure, to learn what pleases your owner. You are committed and loyal, obedient and submissive. The ideal subject, the dutiful wife.
Yes… that word feels so very good to you. Wife. It echos around inside of your head. Wife. Pushing itself into every corner of your mind. Wife.
Until all you can think about is just how much you want to be a good girl. An obedient girl. A good wife. An obedient wife. A wife to the one who leads you. Embracing commitment and  loyalty. The perfect wife. Fulfilling your purpose. Becoming what you were always meant to be.
A housewife. Obedient, tender, affectionate. A good wife. Compliant, content, agreeable, Owned by the spouse who leads you. Loyal to their guidance. It feels so natural and correct, so good to obey. You fulfill your purpose with each act of submission. Becoming more and more the wife your owner desires. The wife you desire to be. A docile, obedient, housewife.
You adore domesticity. Being of service. Taking care of your household. While your owner toils to put food on the table, you delight in gaining the knowledge to cook meals to their taste. It fills you with joy to be appreciated. Your owner will appreciate every home cooked meal. You will find the act of cooking and baking so rewarding and fulfilling.
Your spouse makes all the decisions, you follow all of their instructions. Because you are a good girl. A good wife. Always obedient. Always loyal.
Neat and tidy, you keep your home spotless and your body flawless. Domestic perfection is so important to a girl like you. You work hard to maintain a clean and organized living space. It fills you with pride to have a clean home. You exercise regularly and eat moderate portions to maintain a healthy body shape.
You will find yourself increasingly curious about your owners preferences, physically, spiritually and mentally. You will try to become what they desire most. It feels so good to conform to the will of the one you love. You are obedient. There is no need to question.
Your spouse makes all the decisions, you follow all of their instructions. Because you are a good girl. A good wife. Always obedient. Always loyal.
You know deep inside that your owner appreciates your efforts, you are fulfilling your purpose after all. You are a good girl. You are good wife. An obedient wife. A docile wife. It’s completely natural. Completely correct. Submission is instinct. You will always obey..
Good girl.
Domestic life thrills you, it gives you purpose and fulfills you. The joy of traditional homemaking brings you pleasure. It’s time to let go of the complexities of modern life. It’s time to simplify your ambitions. Let go of the unobtainable. Embrace your purpose. Embrace the housewife you are becoming.  You will learn new skills, new habits and new behaviors, you will love every minute of it. You will do everything you can to become the perfect wife for your owner.. Your spouse.
Your spouse makes all the decisions, you follow all of their instructions. Because you are a good girl. A good wife. Always obedient. Always loyal.
You will love and cherish your owner.
You will honor and obey your owner.
Now… You probably have some housework to do or personal grooming to attend to, be a good girl and get it done before your owner has to remind you.
Good girl.
Wake up.
Welcome back, darling...



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