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Some action is session! And for those who are dying to see Sasha and Marcy again, no worries, next page is all theirs! We're doing a lot of back and forth.



Cole jones

I'm excited to see you draw bimbofied Polly and sprig but given how they just appeared and changed I take it this world creates illusions of lust for those that enter it. Edit: also can't wait for the next page to see Marcy and Sasha I hope they are still changing and we see them finish their bimbofications.


they're gonna be fully changed once they step in, I gotta keep panels and pages tight


Last page: “Sorry guys I’m teasing you….” Proceeds to tease us in the next page LOL YOURE evil for this one hahahaha

Icarus con Queso

So, different box, same(ish?) destination, but has a spreading bimbofication spore/energy cloud?

Cipher namikaze

wow...interesting ufff I hope molly kisses Marcy...among other things...ufff I can already imagine how I bimbofic the bodies of the frogs of all amphibia.


I hope Molly keeps kissing more girls 😈

Cipher namikaze

Would anyone like to do it with bimbo teen Polly because I do... after becoming a himbo...:D


wow goddamn somehow you made frogs hot, mmf.


Yeah I didn't really like their human versions they had, plus didn't wanna skip out on that tongue game

Cole jones

Ok but what about this place making illusions or something like illusions for those who come into this dimension?

Cole jones

Given how they just appear and get bimbofied I think they are some kind of illusion the space Ann is in makes.


Love the sudden change and Sprig... I love that you gave him normal to dominate head. Makes it look like a long time coming. XD


So were they just changed or were they already changed and Anne didn’t realize that and just saw them as she thought they were?

Cole jones

I think they might just be something the dimension Ann is in made. Because why else would they be here.


I was working under the assumption this was Amphibia but it’s changed over the years perhaps because of something that was found on the new continent that was mentioned in the finale. You’re suggesting this is some perverted dimension that is shaping itself after Anne’s mind/memories?

Icarus con Queso

I mean, she landed in mushrooms. Then they landed in her. Hallucinations are highly likely. But at the same time, dude's on the cover in a less than friendly way. Not as ominous as the himbo Toadstool looking shadow, but still...

Icarus con Queso

Considering how much mushroom spores and slime she's been exposed to, anything is possible.

Cole jones

If your talking to me then yeah I guess that's what I mean. Though you bring up a good point since Ann wouldn't know what spring and Polly look like after the time skip so this could either be amphibia somehow or a dimension that makes whatever it wants or needs for those that enter in and get bimbofied.

Cole jones

Something kinda funny I noticed is how much the amount of detail shifts with their normal appearance and bimbofied forms they still look good but it is funny to see how much more comfortable you are drawing them as bimbos and himbos.

Cole jones

Good point so either it's something else and she is hallucinating or this dimension made these bimbofied versions for Ann. Could go either way.


I like the fact that Anne isn't controlling her ass rn, very nice.


I find it funny that sprig in his normal state has visbile eyes, but the moment he gets bimbofied they get covered. It has become a stylistic trait for you to draw your himbos with their eyes cover, ay Annon? XD I was very happy to see that Terri too was slowly being bimbofied (and I still hope we see more human bimbos from the show) but I'm also digging bimbo Polly and himbo Sprig, and I can't wait to see the rest. Personally, once we're introduced to Bimbo Sasha and Marcy, I would love to see them fuck with himbo Grime and bimbo Yunann and Olivia respectively.

Cole jones

I also hope we see more bimbofied humans on earth maybe we cut to them getting changed at some point or we see all of them changed near the end. And given how Ann is seeing sprig and polly Sasha and Marcy most likely will see their amphibia friends bimbofied.