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PHEW! Straight back to comics, been chipping away on this page for a while because I knew how busy it'd get.

Final Battle with Nemona, we made it guys! Hope you enjoy the result of our choices.

+ New mlp/eqg bimbo thread 




Nemona looking GOOD. Also IDK your plans but for the future I'd love someone liek Geeta or Rika commenting on how Nemona has grown a lot since she took on the league before. Shows how much she consideres you her rival that she'd train and gain like that to keep up.


It was worth the wait


Amazing journey in so many ways. XD


So I’m confused nothing really happened to her for her to get this bimbofied rigt? I ask because the transformation difference is more massive then the previous panel


Is it? I tried to make her proportions feel the same in both panels on the page


Oh yeah man hot DAMN Nemona looks amaaaaaazing


I think they mean "What happened to take Nemona from how she looked on page 1 to know" The answer is I asusme like the PokeBim story, gaining experience via training and battling causes changes in the trainer


Yeah because I don’t recall her thighs being that jacked LOL arhats why I’m caught off


Oh well I just assigned that to her natural body development over the long journey + Training. Bimbos and Himbos get crazy spurts to end up at their final result. Think of Nami from One Piece but dialed to 11. *Note: I did the same with our trainer, made him bigger. Same with Penny too, and Arvin, but maybe less noticeable. But Nemona was just a beast waiting to happen.


Okay so it’s the natural training cool, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t skip over a detail or anything I know pokemon changed but didn’t think trainers would too

Cole jones

Wow nemona has really grown I love it.

Villain Us

sweet evil, we need that nemona on her own!

Art Lover

This is a small detail but I love the picture in the corner where we can see how everyone in the world is a bimbo/himbo, just like our battling duo. You've done a fantastic job with this series!


This fight definitely deserves to be a two parter