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Drew this on the ipad before even leaving the bed this morning.

Asian take on Twilight with realistic hair color.

I wanted draw her more realistic, but my realism proportion skills are very underdeveloped. I'd like to get better at that and maybe in the future revisit and give the idea of realistic proportioned/designed mane gals a small whirl.

Celestia etc would be this classic über blonde bombshell in a suit, while Luna would give off a bottom-heavy Elvira vibe.

I feel like RD, Shy, and Pinkie all would work as redheads, though I feel it's a bit too many. Though RD can color her hair and it's a mystery as to what her real hair is. Pinkie would be strawberry ginger. Maybe shy's hair is closer to blonde than red etc.




STOP!!! FOR YOUR OWN SUPPORTER'S HEALTH!!!! A Asian bimbo with purple highlights! I would died if you made her hair pure purple. XDDDD

Icarus con Queso

Personally I'd swap the Fluttershy and Pinkie hair colors. A lot of the full and darker reds I've seen get that sort of curly poof going on without much help. Strawberry or dirty blond goes straighter with less fuss.