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This takes place way after Jun and Tomo become a couple.

She managed to combine her desire for femininity and being herself, maxing out and getting the both from both worlds.

Extra piece as a gift for you all.



Gurfification .

Looove it! Wish Tomo embraced full femininity, but how can I say no to a bimbo tomboy when she looks like THAT!


This is the greatest gift ever! Thank you annon


I literally had a dream many years ago where the world of Tomo-chan got bimbofied so it's great to see this, haha.


Insert RAbid animal noises. Curious to see what Carol or Misuzu would lok like


Yes yes yes! This is how I always thought a bimbo Tomo would be, still able to kick your ass but also make you want her to kick it!

Cole jones

I love this. Please after Nagatoro do a tomo comic. You could make the cause of the bimbofications be a drug tomo takes that is suppose to make her more womanly but it makes her a bimbo and maybe her friends take it to and become bimbos.

Cole jones

Yeah maybe misuzu would finally get breast as big as carol or tomo since she seems to be insecure about her bust.


Ya know we always see people being bimboed up by magic and what not. Think this is the first time we got to see it be full on self choice. Jun is one luck bastard.

Cole jones

Not sure which one is Anjou-san but yeah a big bimbo comic crossover with all of them would be awesome.

Cole jones

Do you mean those two girls tomo was prepared to fight and they were scared shitless when they went to meet her? They also reacted in disgust when they saw tomo in jeans.

Cole jones

I mean in a tomo comic she could take a drug meant to make her more womanly but it makes her a bimbo.

Cole jones

Oh well when I watched it, it sounded like they hated her in jeans. Glad to know I was thinking the right characters though. And if they became bimbos maybe they try to make a move on tomo.

Cole jones

It's ok I genuinely thought their reaction was one of disgust I actually didn't know they had a crush on tomo I just thought they felt awkward around tomo because of how intimidating she is.