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Bad Siren




It's practically a game to her at this point given her expression in the second half.


Plus unlike a cat, a water bottle spray must be quite pleasant when above water for a long period


this is hilarious but it does make me wonder, now that she knows more about the overland, do you think she'll continue with her human eating ways or will she find some kind of a substitute?


I really haven't been able to give any conclusive thoughts to it. I have more questions than answers of now. Like can Sirens survive without human flesh? Perhaps so, they're not exactly abondance of in the sea. So they might be more of a delicacy. Or perhaps Sirens only need to eat every many years? Maybe actual siren lore has answers on that. If they don't need to eat humans, I guess it's akin to Aria becoming pescetarian


Who knows maybe they’re a tofuhuman somewhere or something. Regardless excited to see what you come up with!


I wonder where he got the idea of a water bottle sprayer...since she would be used to water maybe he puts some chemical in there to throw her for a loop.


Perhaps it started out with just making sure she doesnt dry up if she stays on land for longer than usual. And works as a qucik shock sensation


Seeing her enjoyment this might just encourage her…