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Martin McNeal

Beautiful! Even as a bimbo, she's a sucker for her senpai. (Literally in this case)

Cole jones

Something I noticed is Nagatoro doesn't have her tan lines a small detail but just wanted to say it. Also great job with this page I'm loving this comic I'm hoping with how positive the feedback it has gotten this comic will grow into a longer comic then you originally planned.

Cole jones

Hey annon in case you decide to make this comic a bigger project then planned three other girls you could add either as bonus girls for a sex scene or even as a cameo near the end are Orihara, Shikki both members of the judo club with Nagatoro, and Hana Sunomiya the art club presidents cousin. I think maybe they could be a cameo as girls senpai sees and is going to change to add to his harem and maybe if you feel like it you could make bonus pages of them changing and having sex with senpai kinda like an epilogue. Also maybe near the end the art club president and Nagatoro are the last girls to have sex with senpai and they wear costumes to spice things up I'm thinking the rabbit girl outfit for the president and the cat girl outfit for Nagatoro it would be awesome to see you bimbo designs for those costumes.


Still looking great, loving the expressions and the interactions with Nagatoro’s internal thoughts. Other thing I like is that body wise Senpai is the same, just super hung.


yeah the inner monologue for Nagatoro really adds to it, it's something it'd like to explore on the next page some more

Cole jones

That's fair and given all that your doing it would be hard to keep it consistent. Also I didn't say it but great job with the expressions and inner thoughts it feels just like what they would do in the anime.


Honestly this might be one of the best cocks, like damn

Cole jones

Hey annon I just want to know when senpai draws the other girls as bimbos do you think you going to do parallel shots of him drawing them and we see them change as he draws them that would be a cool way to show it.

Cole jones

Sorry well reply whenever you can again sorry I can't help it im just excited for this comic and like to say some ideas I have.

Indian Gamer Notaku

Nagatoro's inner monologue is exactly as I would expect from her it's quite fun seeing her like that!


trying to stay in control and teasing in a situation getting out of hand is a really fun angle

Cole jones

I bet it is a fun angle I hope later on she is submissive but still teases senpai it would fit her character.

Indian Gamer Notaku

I am definitely genuinely enjoying this more than being horny about it because of how nagatoro is


Alright, another page, another set of good Nagaotor faces and reactions! It's a solid page though I might've expected Naoto to be a bit more restrained, but it's certainly worth it for the joke (also, yes, porn comic). Been considering writing down something, though the way I would've written this myself to give it the same joke but keep things a bit more managed is that Naoto does draw himself with a larger dick, Nagatoro complains for a moment about how it's not like her drawing, and then Naoto asks her to consider what the Hell either of them could do with that. Cue momentary thoughts, Nagatoro imagining herself getting literally speared, same overwhelmed/holy shit what did I almost do reaction. That's more just a 'how I would write this' and comes down to more personal taste in these sorts of things. Though really that's just all there is for me to toss in here. Th framing, pacing and the blocking of the panels is good, puts the right emphasis in the right places and I'm seriously digging that you're getting so much more comfortable and better with expressions. I know for a lot of people that the blank, emotionless look does it for them when it comes to bimbos, but I've always seriously preferred it when their personalities and minds come through the process, so this has been an experience and a half for me. Plus, I imagine, it's a bit more fun to draw.

Cole jones

I can agree with you on likeing bimbos with personality's more so then just being airheads. Also I think a great way that annon could frame the other girls being bimbofied is either showing him starting to draw and cutting to the girls changing in their classes also showing how reality changes with how people talk to or about them. Or we see Naoto draw the girls and are show parallel panels of him drawing a part of them like their head and seeing their face change. Though maybe annon could also do a mix of both ways. What do you think?


Priorities! Heheheheh


their interactions are funny, if it's too much she can ask her sempai to fix that.


It's a very valid take as well on how it could go yeah Nagatoro is a go-to for expressions, so am certainly hoping to pick up a thing or two here for future work. For now am also just having a blast making the characters pop out of the panels without it feeling too busy


will we get another transformation for nagatoro into a mega bimbo

Cole jones

I'm hoping since this comic would be the perfect place to give the girls 2.0 and maybe 3.0 forms.