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Twilight was building up magic in her, but never did she change while all her other friends had hit 2.0. Instead, once she was overfilled and let her guard down finally, she just blew up in one big dramatic transformation and the area around her. Was thinking her clothing could keep changing, from laboratory clothing, to school girl, to secretary, to casual and so forth while still bursting through every single one of them, and her home changed to an even bigger luxurious mansion with maids.

Sunset's journey in contrast has always been more gradual, but was thinking her changes could exponentially become more critical, up to the final days of her becoming slutset. In the beginning her changes were slow but as they added up and her drive became unbearable as she was giving in, creating a feedback loop of her changing faster and faster




Love the difference between them, both hot but each manages to scratch a different itch, one the instant gratification and the other the slow burn




Is that a shirt or a bra that says “sexy nerd”?


I believe that's a bra, notice how it's a different color than her usual shirt and doesn't have any buttons.


it's actually shirt. the magic gives her multiple new clothing that she bursts right through


Fuck these are so good, I'll never get enough pics of Sunset when she's still transforming. At this point her face seems incapable of showing any form of shock. Her expression is just constant 'Fuck, I'm hot. I'm huge. I'm horny.' With the pink locks at the halfway point it's soooo far gone and she can't do anything. And Twilight finally getting what she's desired after forcibly changing her entire friend list into bimbos is heavenly. I like that idea of Twilight's clothing bursting, then changing into something slutty, then outgrowing THAT, and getting a new outfit, outgrowing THAT again in seconds.


I do love these contrasts of gradually and full blown explosion.